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  1. clowny123

    Dont understand

    I just have regluar floresent lights and it is 22 wat
  2. clowny123

    720 gal

    I still cant believe that tank but can we see some up close of the shark thanks uh u r so lucky
  3. clowny123

    When true percs turn black

    Ok i have 2 true percs and was wondering how long does it take till they start turning black just wondering b/c i was really excited to see them be part black here is a pic of them
  4. clowny123

    light question

    hey agent i was reading your old post about u giving the false perc away and if u still are then ill be happy to take it if u pay shipping
  5. clowny123

    pics of just fish tanks not reef

    Can someone show me there just fish tanks please
  6. clowny123

    Dont understand

    Hey i didnt know that u needed good lighting before getting the anemones
  7. clowny123

    720 gal

    your my hero
  8. clowny123

    Dont understand

    yea i got it:jumping: :cheer: :D
  9. clowny123

    Dont understand

    i think i got it
  10. clowny123

    Dont understand

    i dont see it did u buy the program b/c i just have the stater edition
  11. clowny123

    Dont understand

    I have that same program but i cant find where to make it smaller
  12. clowny123

    Dont understand

    how did u resize it
  13. clowny123

    Dont understand

    Hey Viper how did u get my pics on there?
  14. clowny123

    Dont understand

    u cant really see the florida it is kinda blury but it is white as snow
  15. clowny123

    Dont understand

    I have 2 true percs and im positve clowns dont go in those 1 out of 1000000 do
  16. clowny123

    Dont understand

    Viper are u there can u put the pics on the post thanks
  17. clowny123

    Dont understand

    um the white one is a florida condi anemone
  18. clowny123

    Dont understand

    I think one is a pink tip haitain anemone
  19. clowny123

    Dont understand

    both of them have purple tips
  20. clowny123

    Dont understand

    Viper i sent it to u you can post it