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  1. fishlover0815


    I know why they looked lethargic now! Cause my ph was really low at 7.4, now I'm slowly raising the tank with dizzolved baking soda, and now they are already better! Swimming around like normal fish!
  2. fishlover0815


    Ok I'll do that
  3. fishlover0815


    I just searched brooklynella up and I don't think they have it, maybe it's just how they were designed? Like the white part is faded
  4. fishlover0815


    Yeahs little bit, they always swim together tho... What do I do!!!:(
  5. fishlover0815


    Oh ok
  6. fishlover0815


  7. fishlover0815


    I have been noticing my clowns white part seems to be turning grey especially the small one is that Nomal? I put a pic to for you guys to check it out
  8. fishlover0815

    Fish in qt, shrimps in DT

    Fish in qt, shrimps in DT
  9. fishlover0815


    hi, I recently got my clowns for about 1.5 days, they are doing fine... But I haven't put any medication in because they look fine... Should I start adding in a few days or so? And I know the medication stresses them out, should I follow the directions but do it slowly and make the dose half...
  10. fishlover0815

    Is this normal?

    Omg I did not realized I posted a bunch of things, you can just answer the last one lol
  11. fishlover0815

    Is this normal?

    I put the bag in for temperature acclimation, I also have a video right here, is my clownfish acting normal? whoops, I put the bag in for 30 min for the temperature acclimation, also can you take a look of this video to see if my clowns are acting normal? can I put white paper around my qt...
  12. fishlover0815

    Is this normal?

  13. fishlover0815

    Is this normal?

    Anyways, I got home and it's dead... The other ones are fine.
  14. fishlover0815

    Is this normal?

    I pour them in a bowl, and add water in every 5 min for 30min, I think he is dead cause his shell was off when in the bag, and I know there are really sensitive when she'll off, too bad I HAVE to buy online and they gave me one that is sensitive, but atleast I have 2 more that are doing fine...:(
  15. fishlover0815

    Is this normal?

    It's not dead tho, I acclimated for 1 hour
  16. fishlover0815

    Is this normal?

    my tanks are finally cycled and I got fish in the qt, while I put 3 shrimp in the mt, 1 skunk cleaner, 2 peppermint shrimp(they are all approximately same size) and 1 night past and 1 pep is like this:
  17. fishlover0815


    I got a 10 gallon instead, turns out there was a mistake there... So can you tell me about the maintenance for the QT?
  18. fishlover0815


    Yeah my display tank is and I'm going to put pvc pipes in QT and put the DT filter media in the QT filter but I just need to know if 5 gallons is good for 2 clowns and how many water changes per week.
  19. fishlover0815


    Hi, will a 5 gallon tank be good QT for 2 clowns? I wanted to use 10 gallon but they don't have it in my town... It's just for a short period of time like a month... If yes how many water change?
  20. fishlover0815

    Has ammonia spiked yet?

    What does that mean