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  1. matt b

    180 Diary

    Thanks. On another note, One wrasse jumped out of the QT and died about a week ago. So I made the holes even smaller. Then a few days ago I found another two on the floor. And the last one jumped today. So there goes 200 bucks. There are two like 3 inch holes for them to jump out of and they did.
  2. matt b

    180 Diary

    Here is a little video I took with my FLIP cam corder with underwater case.
  3. matt b

    Hefner's 180 Thread

    That lion is awesome! You should try and catch it with your hand.
  4. matt b

    180 Diary

    Originally Posted by Hefner413 how big is the clam? looks awesome Id say about 3-4". I did not measure it. Yeah he is really cool. They are VERY fast growers so I think that will be the only clam I get. He will have plenty of room to grow out on that right side though.
  5. matt b

    Bristleworm - good or bad?

    Seems more like a fireworm to me. Pretty much the same as a bristle worm but they get alot bigger and I mean ALOT bigger. They do not hurt anything. I would add him. The only time they are a problem is when they are everywhere. That means you have way to much nutrients.
  6. matt b

    180 Diary

    Got a few new things this weekend. A BRIGHT green hydropora, And a squamosa.
  7. matt b

    What's up with all this Le crap?

    Same reason there are a million names for zoanthids. To make more money when selling them.
  8. matt b

    180 Diary

    They are UVL super actinic. And I also have UVLs on my 75g. Love the color and never had a problem with them.
  9. matt b

    180 Diary

    Originally Posted by GreenReefer thanks, I didn't think I needed reflectors for VHO, but then I saw someone selling them and got confused. Any advantage to running the 660 instead of the 430, since 430 can power two 72 bulbs too? I just bought the 660 so if I ever want to do anything else with...
  10. matt b

    180 Diary

    Originally Posted by GreenReefer sorry a couple more questions about the lighting/canopy. DO you have 1 vho in front and 1 in back? I was pretty sure you did, but the pics look like there are two in front, maybe just a reflection. Do you have a reflector for the vho bulbs? The VHO kits on hello...
  11. matt b

    Coral Keepers 28 gallon Nano-Cube HQI diary.

    Looks really good. That red chalice is SICK.
  12. matt b

    180 Diary

    Originally Posted by Coral Keeper Wow! Very nice tank!! But damn, you got alot of snails. lol I don't like having to clean the glass And scarlet hermits are expensive and blue legs kill snails left and right. All I have are some hermits from my 75g, two cleaner shrimp, like 4 emerald crabs, 3...
  13. matt b

    180 Diary

    Originally Posted by GreenReefer looks great. I really like how the lace rock turned out under the halides. Is it really that dark under the rock or just the photo? If it is that dark how does no light creep in from the back side? If you look there is some light coming in from the back. And it...
  14. matt b

    180 Diary

  15. matt b

    180 Diary

    Just some updated pix. Nothing really new. I might pick up a SPS or two next weekend but I am really not in any hurry or need to buy corals right now. I never thought I would be like this but I am just really happy with the tank.
  16. matt b

    From North east ohio?

    I am in central ohio. Reef systems coral farm has a GREAT selection for coral. And 90% of his stuff is aquacultured.
  17. matt b

    40 gallon/400w MH frag tank!

    400w on that size tank will be alot for anything. The corals will already be stressed from fragging and then be totally shocked by the lighting. What kind of lighting do you have on your display tanks? As long as you keep soft corals and LPS on the far sides I think they will be fine.
  18. matt b

    Guys...:( this is bad

    Originally Posted by nissan577 its funny to see little 15 year olds that think they are already adults when you guys dont even know what the world outside is. and dont say you work and you know what it is. cause if you did you wouldnt act like a child now. go ahead rank on my tank. i still know...
  19. matt b

    Guys...:( this is bad

    Originally Posted by nissan577 okay. as we can see it looks like you dont really care about the marine life. thats your choice go right ahead I care more about marine life then you. I grow SPS , You grow have hair algae, I breed fish, You kill sharks. Need I say more? I think I will. You eat...
  20. matt b

    Guys...:( this is bad

    Originally Posted by nissan577 would you like it if you were a shark and you were being eaten? no right. samething for a shark. they wouldnt like to be killed or eaten. yea its a cycle of life. but we shouldnt destroy theirs. Are you a vegetarian? Cause if not then you have NO room to talk...