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  1. S

    Help! Spot on Blue Throat Triggerfish

    Thank you, Jay. I have noticed another one on top by his trigger has come up. Does that change the concern? Ph 8.3 Am 0 Ni 0 Na 5.0 Temp 78 RO/DI Tank was fishless cycled before getting the fish w/ Dr Tim's One & Only Just got a Red Oct 100 Protein Skimmer and have UV San on the way.
  2. S

    Help! Spot on Blue Throat Triggerfish

    Just got this fish Wednesday. Strictly followed acclamation with drip in provided styrofoam container. Hes beautiful and very active but... hes got a single spot on his body. It looks like a white head pimple and not like salt. I've included a picture. Should I be concerned? I'm nervous. I get...