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  1. fishygurl

    coralline turning white?

    Originally Posted by xtreeme I have some that is white. .. read paragraph that starts with iodine and calcium... *edit* my guess is lack of calcium and/or magnesium... Can you post your...
  2. fishygurl

    How ya LIKE THESE?

    i think the Y one is a special one! i dont see any others like it lol you should keep it and dont frag it! All of them are cool looking!
  3. fishygurl

    lion fish stings

    just wondering but what if you wear heavy duty gloves and they happened to sting you (of course you wouldnt try to get it to. but if it accidently did or something would it still be able to sting you through it if they are like big plastic gloves? you know those ones that go all the way up your...
  4. fishygurl

    coralline turning white?

    Originally Posted by Invertical is there a reason this is happening to me? It has no signs of disease or anything and there a couple of tube worms on the rock that are doing just fine, but my coralline algae seems to be turning white... that means its dying/dead lol.. Thats weird.. that only...
  5. fishygurl

    72 gallon drilled bowfront possible??

    Originally Posted by It's Chuck Green wolf eels are actually a pseudochromid(Dottyback) you could also get a Snowflake eel which is a real eel and much more attractive IMO. As far as puffers go the only thing you could permenantly house in a 72G is Tobys(also known as Sharpnose puffers) I...
  6. fishygurl

    So it Begins...all 10 feet of it...

    wow looks amazing!
  7. fishygurl

    FishyGurl's 125G Tank Diary!!! =)

    last ones, and the crab is the crab i found in my gsp rock and got him out and now hes missing in my fuge.... btw these photos were taken last week before i did my first water change and added my clean up crew now 3/4 of the nasty algae is gone. which was from about a week or so ago. =)
  8. fishygurl

    FishyGurl's 125G Tank Diary!!! =)

    more pics..
  9. fishygurl

    FishyGurl's 125G Tank Diary!!! =)

    trying to figure out how to resize lets see if this works.... this is taking FOREVER...
  10. fishygurl

    FishyGurl's 125G Tank Diary!!! =)

    Originally Posted by hambone Great start! More pics please. more pics are coming! i think.. lol my mom found the thing to put the photos in her computer but now i just have to figure out how to put them in this one.. (im used to pc's and this is the mac..) So we will see i have them all...
  11. fishygurl

    Wrasse Dilema. Please help? =(

    Originally Posted by LyndseyDaNell Okay, I turned one of the lights off because the lighting in my room is really poor. I turned the light off that was over him. Yeah, if he does die I'm going to keep up the hobby. I've already been looking at other fish. I'll probably go to a reef tank if he...
  12. fishygurl

    Clown Goby

    hmm thats weird.. i dont think the yellow normally have those markings. Maybe you got some rare cross breed of goby!? lol cuz the greens are green with the red markings like yours scattered through out the whole body. Try googling clown goby in the image area and see if you find any that look...
  13. fishygurl

    72 gallon drilled bowfront possible??

    o ya, we like anglers/frogfish too, but if i got a green wolf eel wouldnt he be able to eat it? or would this be compatible for anything? i might just get one that stays small in a 40 gallon breeder i will set up once i find one cheap...
  14. fishygurl

    just added...

    ya i got a free frag of xenia a week or 2 ago, and it took mine like 5 days till it opened up really good, took like 3 days for it to look not really bad like it did when i brought it home (it had a long drive and wasnt happy)
  15. fishygurl

    72 gallon drilled bowfront possible??

    Since upgrading to my 125 for my reef, my mom has always liked aggressive tanks too. So we are wondering if there is any possible aggressive stocklists for a 72 gallon.. fish (something we like/hope would fit?) A puffer- (porcupine or dog face?) an eel (green wolf eel only get 18 inches and arnt...
  16. fishygurl

    Puffer Ate...

    im not really sure but i think it would be fine since they would eat that in the wild possibly.
  17. fishygurl

    just added...

    no problem, just ask if you have any more questions. And keep us updated on how the mushrooms are doing. Post pics? what color are they?
  18. fishygurl

    Newbie Question

    Originally Posted by schmidbauermg I hope this is in the right spot. I am starting a reef tank so I hope I'm ok. the point - I just bought a tank, and I'll be posting my diary to get it started soon. My question is, I have finished cleaning/wiping it down (with water because that...
  19. fishygurl

    Wrasse Dilema. Please help? =(

    Originally Posted by LyndseyDaNell Aww, thank you Fishygurl. =) I am really trying hard. I hate to see animals suffer and I'll do anything to try to make somethings life better. I just finished the water change. I did 10 gallons and I used a 5 gallon bucket. I put the right amount of water...
  20. fishygurl

    just added...

    Originally Posted by scott79 some mushrooms to my tank. they have been in for about 40 minutes, they are still really small. when i got them they were huuuge. is this normal? yes its normal. Dont put them up where you want them at first you should acclimate them to the light. So for the first...