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  1. kraylen

    Top down shots of some of my favorite LPS in my collection :)

    Oh, it's a place that sells their own LE SPS.
  2. kraylen

    My new multicolor acan echinata colony. :D

    Thank you! I will get some more shoots of it soon. :)
  3. kraylen

    My new multicolor acan echinata colony. :D

    This thing is awesome.. I love it, this is only one side... its like rainbow camo all around haha...
  4. kraylen

    Top down shots of some of my favorite LPS in my collection :)

    Originally Posted by yoshii Haha I do that alot too, but only use "dude" But anyways, where in the world do you get your acans?! They look amazing! Is Salinas near the San Fransisco Bay Area? Oh yeah dude, I help out at the LFS in Milpitas on the weekends... you should come check it out :)
  5. kraylen

    Top down shots of some of my favorite LPS in my collection :)

    Ah dude don't take it personal man... I call everyone dude/man/bro/son all that... even my mom.
  6. kraylen

    Top down shots of some of my favorite LPS in my collection :)

    Thanks man!!! I love my acans :D
  7. kraylen

    Top down shots of some of my favorite LPS in my collection :)

    Thanks man, I've been practicing/addicted to my new found love of true to life photos of corals... so sick of over-saturated blue pictures... I shoot these under blue and white leds...
  8. kraylen

    I can't get enough of this 37g Nano in HD.. this is for you guys SWF!!

    I think this could be my best video yet.. its the 37g, the easy tank... lots of softies, mushrooms zoas and all that..... I think the music fits perfect.. :D Thank you guys!
  9. kraylen

    Top down shots of some of my favorite LPS in my collection :)

    Im charging up the camera to try and get some more pics :)
  10. kraylen

    Top down shots of some of my favorite LPS in my collection :)

    I build a hanging rack to raise the corals up higher in the tank, I kill the flow and get as close as I can without toughing the water... I would have tried more but my batteries died while I was shooting!!!
  11. kraylen

    Top down shots of some of my favorite LPS in my collection :)

    Originally Posted by meowzer WOW...great pics...I wish you would have labeled them all :) Done ;)
  12. kraylen

    Top down shots of some of my favorite LPS in my collection :)

    Thanks man! Acans rule!! All types of acans :)
  13. kraylen

    Top down shots of some of my favorite LPS in my collection :)

    Thanks! Some are flash, some are not.. Powered by a 50/50 Reef Brite LED bar. WWC Watermelon Chalice(Forgot the name, fuego I believe) WWC Pink Watermelon Chalice SC Blue Ice Neptune's Kryptonite Watermelon Chalice My Kraylien Eye :) Jason Fox Desert Sunset Acan Echinata Tyree Rainbow...
  14. kraylen

    Kraylen's Lab - Ultimate DIY Welded Frag Rack - A 3 Part HD Adventure!!!!

    Originally Posted by King_Neptune btw, that was like the soundtrack for castlevania :) All music was from FFI, FFIV, FFV, FFVI and FFVII. Glue was corafix super glue gel, any super glue that is cyano based will work.
  15. kraylen

    LED lights...why doesn't anyone do this?

    Originally Posted by acrylic51 You should check out Phurst build thread....not tacky done rather neatly. Not a fan, if you want to use LEDs there are plenty of cheaper options on DIY set ups with real LEDs... Xmas lights are for trees.. not reef tanks. I would rather put Xmas lights on my car.
  16. kraylen

    LED lights...why doesn't anyone do this?

    Xmas lights, tacky and not worth it.