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  1. cal559

    Red Sea Max 34 gallon...Diary

    Originally Posted by nissan577 amazing! Thanks Nissan He will go in my display tank in a month...and he is already eating silversides from my feeding stick!
  2. cal559

    Red Sea Max 34 gallon...Diary

    Okay so I finally found a Golden Dwarf Moray for $150 shipped...opposed to $250-400 for one not even including shipping at most online dealers... I have him in my QT right now... The PVC pipe he is in is 1inch in diameter so it gives you an idea how small these eels are... His total length is...
  3. cal559

    RSM mods

    Originally Posted by ridiculous I'm considering buying a red sea max and have noticed all of the mods needed to be done to the biocube, aquapod etc. and a wondering what you rsm owners did to make them work best? I dumped the stock skimmer and replaced it with a tunze 9002 protein...
  4. cal559

    Red Sea Max 34 gallon...Diary

    Originally Posted by nissan577 dude we need pics! love it lots! New Pics Next Week...
  5. cal559

    Red Sea Max 34 gallon...Diary

    Originally Posted by Whisk awesome tunnel. did i tell you im jealous yet? Thanks Whisk that tunnel was kinda hard to fit in there with the rocks glued on already...LOL
  6. cal559

    Red Sea Max 34 gallon...Diary

    Originally Posted by nissan577 that tunnel is so awsome man! love it! and ofcourse the tank is bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love it lots! like always! your buds carlos Hahaha Thanks Carlos!!!
  7. cal559

    Red Sea Max 34 gallon...Diary

    Made a little tunnel in my sand...LOL Front Opening... Side Opening... FTS...Front Opening @ bottom middle to Side Opening @ the Duncans...
  8. cal559

    Red Sea Max 34 gallon...Diary

    Well I guess I'm doing the aggressive/peaceful reef...
  9. cal559

    Red Sea Max 34 gallon...Diary

    Originally Posted by nissan577 so man hows this beautiful tank doing? Doing good just got the pvc pipe installed with rocks glued around both ends so it's looks natural... Big Updates Soon!!!
  10. cal559

    Red Sea Max 34 gallon...Diary

    Originally Posted by redsea i also like the feather duster! Thats actually a coco worm...and thanks!!!
  11. cal559

    New Refractometer

    Originally Posted by fishstick4sale also how do i vac my sand??? Don't vacuum sand...just let it be and have your clean up crew do there job...cerith snails and nass. snails clean up sand nicely...
  12. cal559

    New Refractometer

    Originally Posted by fishstick4sale i just bought one and i wanted to know whats the best way to adjust it, i know my hydrometer isnt accurate so any ideas? Take some R/O water and drop some on the glass of the refractometer and adjust at 0...because there should be no salt in R/O water...
  13. cal559

    Red Sea Max 34 gallon...Diary

    Originally Posted by nissan577 you got me buddy! LOL
  14. cal559

    Red Sea Max 34 gallon...Diary

    Thanks Redsea!!!
  15. cal559

    Red Sea Max 34 gallon...Diary

    Originally Posted by nissan577 amazing! speechless! You can talk don't have to be speechless
  16. cal559

    Red Sea Max 34 gallon...Diary

    Yeah it's a pretty cool fish!!!
  17. cal559

    Red Sea Max 34 gallon...Diary

    More Pics...
  18. cal559

    Would this be a better filter?

    Aquaclear FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. cal559

    Red Sea Max 34 gallon...Diary

    My new addition a 2inch Midas Blenny...LOL
  20. cal559

    Red Sea Max 34 gallon...Diary

    Originally Posted by Buffett wow great looking tank Thanks!!!