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  1. kona

    finally some ricordeas

    red, 2 inches in diameter
  2. kona

    finally some ricordeas

    updates on the ricordeas - green one is about 3.5 inches in diameter
  3. kona

    Bristle Worm ID

    Further research indicates that this particular type of bristle is beneficial. But does anyone know how they affect corals? My ricordea has been shriveled up all day because of the bristle worm. If the bristles are strong enough to penetrate human skin, couldn't they really harm a soft coral...
  4. kona

    Bristle Worm ID

    one more
  5. kona

    Bristle Worm ID

    Just wondering if this particular bristle worm is detrimental to the tank. One of my ricordea polyps was all shriveled up, and when I inspected it, I found this 1 inch worm underneath it. I put it in a ziplock bag so I could take a good picture of it. Should I put it back in?
  6. kona

    crab too big? standard?

    I have a 10 gallon reef setup with 1 clown gobie, 1 bicolor blennie, many inverts, and minimal corals (clove, rics, shrooms). I was just curious, at what stage does a crab become too large for a tank of this size? I'm sure there is no standard, but I wanted to ask because recently, I noticed...
  7. kona

    water for water changes ?

    If I could use RO/DI water, I would definately do it. But, I did want tell those of you that are in my area (chicago, west loop) that I have been using tap water for 1 year now, and I have not had any problems with algae or diatoms or anything of that nature. My corals, fish, and invertabrates...
  8. kona

    water for water changes ?

    I think that some of us that live in the city don't have many options. For instance, I live in Chicago and don't have a car. Taking a cab, bus, or train to a fishstore, and then lugging water back home, and up into the apartment is practically impossible and impracticable. On the other hand...
  9. kona

    finally some ricordeas

    The green one was 8 and the orange one was 24. There were significant discounts for buying three of either. For example, it was 18 for 3 green or 60 for 3 orange.
  10. kona

    finally some ricordeas

    yea, I was it acceptable to just leave them attached to the rubble, and resting on the substrate? The only real problem I see with that is that its spawn will not be able to attach to anything substantial. What do you think?
  11. kona

    finally some ricordeas

    night shot
  12. kona

    finally some ricordeas

    I finally got some ricordeas. Not much, but its something.
  13. kona

    is this going to hurt my tank?

    I have some sort of algae growing off the lip of my filter. I just wanted to make sure that it isn't harming my tank - either by spreading elsewhere, or sucking nutrients that my tank might need.
  14. kona

    tube snails hurting corals?

    That is a really good point. It makes the most sense to me.....thanks for the input.
  15. kona

    tube snails hurting corals?

    Hey, thanks for the replies... It seems to me that most of you have 1 or 2 or a handful of these snails. I have approximately 200 in a 10 gallon tank. I'll post a picture if I get the chance. So, 200 in a 10 gallon. Doesn't that seem a bit strange?
  16. kona

    tube snails hurting corals?

    Hey Reefnut, How would I go about removing a Vermetid Snail? I searched on the forum and couldn't find anything. I have been using a chopstick to break off the tubes occasionally. But I realized that everytime I touched the tube, the snail would retract way back and practically into the pores...
  17. kona

    tube snails hurting corals?

  18. kona

    tube snails hurting corals?

    Tube / Vermetid Snails, not Turbo Snails. Are they hurting my coral (clove or daisy, whatever it is)? And the coral is robust and healthy when the snails aren't excreting their webs.
  19. kona

    tube snails hurting corals?

    Hi, I've learned from this board that I have quite a few vermetid/tube worms growing on my rocks. They spread out a web like net that is invisible until saturated with particles, which they then suck back in and eat off of. My question is, will these things harm my corals, if they are...
  20. kona

    red algae on glass

    The algae on the front glass only really appears to be on the front and side glass - not on the rocks and not really on the substrate. This stuff begins to appear about 1.5 weeks after a water change in my 10 gallon. As far as water parameters, I really couldn't say for sure. I actually had a...