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  1. slipknot23

    FS 3/4 Loc-Line

    I will take $20.00 obo shipped for both
  2. slipknot23

    for sale Amiracle Overflow box and SCWD WAVE MAKER with Return Pipes

    I will take 40.00 shipped for Overflow Box
  3. slipknot23

    WTB: Overflow Box

    I will take 40.00 shipped for Overflow Box
  4. slipknot23

    WTB: Overflow Box

    look at my Thread I will take 45.00 for the Overflow Box and thats with shipping to
  5. slipknot23

    WTB: Overflow Box

    $45.00 shipped
  6. slipknot23

    please post a pic of southdown DSB

    miles o'reef I have two bags of CaribSea aragonite and two bags of Tropical Play Sand made by Oldcastle stone products you pay shipping
  7. slipknot23

    List O' Trade Stuff

    Interested in the Phosban Reactor 150 if you will trade for amounts of cash? My e-mail is
  8. slipknot23

    for sale Amiracle Overflow box and SCWD WAVE MAKER with Return Pipes

    bump I WILL be placing it on popular auction site soon
  9. slipknot23

    WTB: Overflow Box

    I had it on a mag 7 runing full 700 gph with no ball valve
  10. slipknot23

    P.A Residents

    How for is that for milton,pa be cause I live in milton
  11. slipknot23

    WTB: Overflow Box

    I have one Overflow Box for sale
  12. slipknot23

    for sale Amiracle Overflow box and SCWD WAVE MAKER with Return Pipes

    I will take 80.00 shipped and I have paypal
  13. slipknot23

    Complete setup for sale in Pa

    would you ship the BTA to Milton,PA zip 17847 or can meet some ware. Plz get back to me
  14. slipknot23

    for sale Amiracle Overflow box and SCWD WAVE MAKER with Return Pipes

    Amiracle Overflow box up to 600 GPH $45.00 shipped New in the box SCWD WAVE MAKER with Return Pipes $36.00 shipped or some good trades My e-mail is
  15. slipknot23

    tank,sump, and pump for sale

    E-mail sent
  16. slipknot23

    WTB: Aquac remora MJ1200 preskimmer box

    I have one for the mag3 and it will fit the maxi-jet
  17. slipknot23

    please post a pic of southdown DSB

    This is southdown with live sand for the lfs