Search results

  1. slipknot23

    Parting out in San Diego!

    Yes i will still take them. I can wait for a week or two. Thank you
  2. slipknot23

    Parting out in San Diego!

    Did Flame get back to you about the Maxijets?? I can pay right now with paypal. plz get back to me
  3. slipknot23

    Algae good or bad

    This is a batter pic
  4. slipknot23

    Parting out in San Diego!

    Do you take PayPal??
  5. slipknot23

    100 Gallon Reef for Sale in San Diego!

    I will take the 2 Maxijets 1200's whan you part it out. My e-mail is Plz get back to me :jumping:
  6. slipknot23

    Wtb Mag Drive

    Any one have Mag Drive pumps for sale like 7 or 5 ?? Need one soon and i have paypal
  7. slipknot23

    Red Sea Wavemaster Pro & P'heads Cleve,OH

    payment has been sent. Thank you :jumping:
  8. slipknot23

    Red Sea Wavemaster Pro & P'heads Cleve,OH

    I will take it all.
  9. slipknot23

    Red Sea Wavemaster Pro & P'heads Cleve,OH

    You have email.
  10. slipknot23

    Red Sea Wavemaster Pro & P'heads Cleve,OH

    I will take the ALL FOUR of the Maxi Jet 1200's E-mail is or I will give you 120.00 for it all if not i still will take ALL FOUR of the Maxi Jet 1200's thank you :jumping:
  11. slipknot23

    Red Sea Wavemaster Pro & P'heads Cleve,OH

    How much for all ALL FOUR of the Maxi Jet 1200's shipped ??? and do you take paypal
  12. slipknot23

    How Old Are You?

    23 been in SW for 5 years. :jumping:
  13. slipknot23

    Central WA-Entire tank 4 sale

    I have not got the mag 7 pump from you. I sent a paypal payment to you on Aug,27 you said that you wood ship on monday. It is september 15. I e-mailed you but no answer. Have anyone got stuff hem be for??? Plz tell me :mad:
  14. slipknot23


    Aquarium Corals for fishfreek
  15. slipknot23

    Algae good or bad

    It is not Hair algae I no what that looks like. The green algae is just like purple coralline algae. I've always had purple coralline algae grow just never green. I've been doing this for 5 years now.
  16. slipknot23

    Algae good or bad

  17. slipknot23

    Algae good or bad

    Is this green algae good or bad ?? It on some of my rock.
  18. slipknot23


    payment has been sent. Thank you :jumping:
  19. slipknot23


    I will take it if you have paypal and is it one with the green cover? My e-mail is
  20. slipknot23

    FS: breaking down my 100 gallon reef

    do i still get the quiet one 3000 pump w/return lines.