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  1. poniegirl

    Not your normal aptasia question..

    Aptasia is capable of getting as large as 4", for sure! My own aptasia story is my 55 gal. I have not added any LR for about 2 years, the tank has been up for 3 years. I recently moved and upset (mildly put) some things and now have aptasia that is growing like, well, weeds. The only other...
  2. poniegirl

    True or False game

    Too true! Down to 3/4 pack a day and still struggling! The next poster prefers to get up early (pre-dawn)...
  3. poniegirl

    Anybody ride bikes? (motorcycles)

    This bike is an '83, I am a '63 and we are both still on the road! A couple of thoughts...Invest in a good safety course (they actually teach you how to use BOTH brakes) and once you are on the road, ride like you are invisible.
  4. poniegirl

    True or False game

    TRUE!! I have wanted to say TRUE all day! The next poster has watched the sunset over Lanai.
  5. poniegirl

    !!!Sick Horse!!! :(

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Normally a parasite like this is brought on due to something stressing the horse out, a low PH would do this or to much water flow even. HatesSushi, seahorses are different than fish when it comes to what can cause a disease. Imagine the most...
  6. poniegirl

    Who is the best guitarist that ever lived?

    Steve Vai...fingers down Mr Clapton makes it talk, also.
  7. poniegirl

    Horse on the Mend

    What happened? I've only been gone for two days..
  8. poniegirl

    True or False game

    FALSE it ranks right up there with drugs.. Next poster understands women! Come on ***)
  9. poniegirl

    True or False game

    false (they are actually red cigar wrasse) The next poster has served in the US Military (any branch)
  10. poniegirl

    True or False game

    False (is this a legal document?) the next person speaks a language other than english
  11. poniegirl

    Could someone Id for me

    The engineer goby in the photo is a juvenile. The one in the photo posted by xtyx is an adult. How large is this fish?!
  12. poniegirl

    Sleeper Banded Goby looking a little thin.

    Originally Posted by WorrBaller Okay thanks, he's about 3 1/2 in. and I've got some silvers in my freezer, i'll give that a try. That is a good sized goby. What are the tankmates?
  13. poniegirl

    Seahorse Diet

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Ponie, I have to disagree a bit with regards to Brine. This is the equivalent to feeding your child potatoe chips or popcorn. While OK as a snack, they are worthless nutritionally and why waste the money. The horses won't beg for potatoe chips like your child...
  14. poniegirl

    Seahorses & Water Flow

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW The bigger they get the more flow they are able to sustain. It is just like children, a small 2 year would have significant more problem walking into a 60 mile an hour wind than a much larger adult. Think of it that way. Ideally I prefer a flow rate of five...
  15. poniegirl

    Getting clown goby to eat

    Originally Posted by rbaldino Given that I manage to keep fish alive a lot longer than most people I know, I doubt that. I also seriously doubt that the average life span of a fish in the ocean is 20-50 years; most of them get eaten long before that. None of this is answering my question. It's...
  16. poniegirl

    Getting clown goby to eat

    It is true about the brine shrimps nutritional value..just about nil. If you feed pellets/flake as well, that is probably what is sustaining your livestock. How big is the goby? BTW "Yeah, I've got lots of that. Last I heard, though, clown gobies don't eat live rock."
  17. poniegirl

    Sleeper Banded Goby looking a little thin.

    He is a carnivore and brine shrimp alone will starve him. If he is smaller, give him thawed frozen mysis shrimp. If he is larger, you may even try some bits of thawed frozen silverside.
  18. poniegirl

    Whats the most important "thing" you've learned

    I don't know yet. Still learning.... I greatly admire people with the patience for, and knowledge of, corals. That is an art of aquarists.
  19. poniegirl

    bristle worms

    There are several families that will tend to help with controlling populations of worms. Big however, here: When you have a fish that can eat a bristle worm, chances are good that they come with their own set of issues. What size is your tank and what fish do you have now? What corals?
  20. poniegirl

    Seahorse Diet

    Hi Darthtang! I think brine shrimp are acceptable as an addition to staple diets; I agree mysis is the most likely accepted. While I do agree that ghost shrimp, feeder fry, etc are good live food supplements, my experience is that it is difficult to find these animals in a consistent size for...