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  1. zoidberg01

    fish is eating my anemone.

    I know one of my clowns hosted it but it left it a few days afterCondy Anemone are not considered hosting Anemone.  Occasionally they will host a fish but it's not common.
  2. zoidberg01

    Copepods and Amphipods dead?

    P.s. if you can get a maidens hair plant (turtle grass) it will be a ideal hiding spot for them and a mating ground because the fish won't eat it
  3. zoidberg01

    Copepods and Amphipods dead?

    When I started a population I had a little piece of live rock and for hiding I got them chaetomorpha (spaghetti algae) but I don't know if they eat chaeto but phyto two will get them breeding and eating really fast
  4. zoidberg01

    Copepods and Amphipods dead?

    What did you feed them? Have you put any type of medicine or fluid recently?
  5. zoidberg01

    Copepods and Amphipods dead?

    If you have many copepods and amphipods in the refuge they can turn cannibalistic and kill each other
  6. zoidberg01

    Bristle Worms! Good or Bad?

    I don't really know if they are in the refuge but I would take it out anyway
  7. zoidberg01

    Bristle Worms! Good or Bad?

    Have you tried luring the bristles to the refuge
  8. zoidberg01

    Blue powder tang or blue hippo tang?

    I know because it won't take off the ich when it's in a dormant stage
  9. zoidberg01

    new 75 g aquarium

    I still doubt it because one was on the floor and the water from the pre filter is at least 3 to 4 inches from the top and it would seem that he was pretty healthy
  10. zoidberg01

    new 75 g aquarium

  11. zoidberg01

    new 75 g aquarium

    I don't think so because I put my goby at the same day and he is ok
  12. zoidberg01

    Quarantine Tank

    A fresh dip ain't too bad it will get rid of most ich but the fish may loose color but it will come back
  13. zoidberg01

    Quarantine Tank

    When my fish got ich they started scratching themselves on the sand before the white spots appear but have you thought of fresh dipping the fish
  14. zoidberg01

    Blue powder tang or blue hippo tang?

    Fresh dip both of them because if they have ich that will really help
  15. zoidberg01

    new 75 g aquarium

    At least they don't fit on the pre filter
  16. zoidberg01

    new 75 g aquarium

    also a pair of bangai cardinals
  17. zoidberg01

    new 75 g aquarium

    new fish a pair of blue reef chromis
  18. zoidberg01

    new 75 g aquarium

    Bad news guys today I found both royal grammas dead they both got sucked by the pre filter :'(
  19. zoidberg01


    They do love it and at the store some corals went crazy for it
  20. zoidberg01


    I don't buy brine shrimp anymore because in my pet shop they sell caviar and they like it better