Search results

  1. fishfatty

    flame angels and clams..

    is it true that you cannot keep flame angles with clams? Will they nip at the clam mantles for sure? Thanks!
  2. fishfatty

    Filter FS

  3. fishfatty

    Filter FS

    I have an Emperor Bio-Wheel 280 for sale. Used about 5 months. $20.
  4. fishfatty

    Show Us Your: Tangs!

    Originally Posted by JayC Awesome video Hot!! -Josh JayC- How do you have such a large frogspawn coral for just starting up your tank? did you buy it from a LFS? If so, which one? Thanks
  5. fishfatty

    free mother kenya tree

    where are you in NC? thanks
  6. fishfatty


  7. fishfatty

    Orange Linka help

    what do you think about an alternate- Fromia Milleporella?
  8. fishfatty

    My new clam. Orange Derasa

    did you order him from this site? Is the orange really bright, like the brightness of the maxima clams? Thanks
  9. fishfatty

    Orange Linka help

    Ive been thinking about getting an orange linka starfish for a while, and I think I'm finally going to buy one. I just wanted to know why I never see pictures of these starfish in most peoples tanks on here...are they difficult to keep? I have a 75 gal. with about 85 lbs. of very established...
  10. fishfatty


    coralife super skimmer all the way!
  11. fishfatty


  12. fishfatty


    Just wondering if anyone has ordered the Orange Deresa clams from this website? If so, do you have a picture of it? I am mainly wanting to know if the pictures accurately depict what the look like upon arival. Thanks!
  13. fishfatty

    Charlotte, NC

    hey...I live right in weddington. Shoot me an email and ill give you a good site you can go to. I might be able to help you out, so tell me what kind of corals you have! Thanks!
  14. fishfatty

    looking for florida ricordeas

    hey demartini...whats that orange coral in your sandbed? not the sun coral..but the fuzzy looking thing? Thanks
  15. fishfatty

    Frog Spawn

    DeMartini- How do you keep your sand and your glass so clean? My builds up with algae after a few days...any help? Thanks!
  16. fishfatty

    Lights/Skimmer/Filter/RO Unit For Sale

    skimmer-sold thanks
  17. fishfatty

    Lights/Skimmer/Filter/RO Unit For Sale

    Ro Pending
  18. fishfatty

    Lights/Skimmer/Filter/RO Unit For Sale

    lights SOLD
  19. fishfatty

    Lights/Skimmer/Filter/RO Unit For Sale

    thats a little too low especially with the shipping costs...
  20. fishfatty

    Torch Coral

    ill help ya out! The most I know about them is that they need medium-high flow, and atlest moderate lighting..I had one but it died becuause I didnt realize my tank was too cold! make sure your temp is around 80. HTH