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  1. fishfatty

    Cucumber almost dead ???

    if the things look like branches then that is okay that means hes doing good I believe...
  2. fishfatty

    EcoSystems Ro Unit for sale in NC

    EcoSystems RO Unit....I beieve it makes about 50 gpd. I bought it from a member of my local reef club for $75. The unit sells for $150. Willing to sell it for $50...Just dont use it and its been laying around. Will ship if you pay. Thanks
  3. fishfatty

    my new 55g journal

    nice tank..good work
  4. fishfatty

    T5 vs. PC

    fanker Do you have a single reflector over each bulb for your T-5, or do you have one big reflector over all the bulbs on your tank? What do you keep under your lights? Thanks
  5. fishfatty

    T5 vs. PC

    75 gal.
  6. fishfatty

    T5 vs. PC

    thankyou all for all the help! I'm probably going to get this fixture...I will update when I hook it up. Thanks again!
  7. fishfatty

    T5 vs. PC

    what do you mean by par? this is the description- T5 T 5 HO Aquarium light 48 inch 6 X 54 watt new Hood (its on the big auction site) So would I still be able to keep clams with this? THANKS
  8. fishfatty

    T5 vs. PC

    "The unit is 48 inches long and runs 6 54 watt T5 HO high output bulbs. You will recieve 6 T5 HO bulbs with this unit This unit is run by 5 year warranty electronic ballast, and runs ultra cool. Unit has 2 high powered fans included to keep unit extra cool. The finest german polished reflective...
  9. fishfatty

    T5 vs. PC

    well thats the thing, this one has a big reflector instead of reflectors around each bulb....would this effect it alot?
  10. fishfatty

    T5 vs. PC

    the tank is about 20" deep, and it will be the 6 bulb 54 watt T5 lights. Thanks
  11. fishfatty

    T5 vs. PC

    how many watts T5 and how deep of a tank? THX
  12. fishfatty

    T5 vs. PC

    you CAN have clams with the T5's?
  13. fishfatty

    which pump to get?

    I have to get a pump.....I can buy either a mag 7 pump, (700gph) used for 6 months for $35. I can also get a quiet-one 3000 pump (780 gph) Used for about 4 weeks for $35. Which would you go with? Thanks
  14. fishfatty

    T5 vs. PC

    So what does everyone it worth it to keep my 260 watt PC lights, or upgrade to the 324 watt T5 lighting? Also, what would I be able to keep under the t5's? The tank is 20" deep. Would I be able to keep clams? Thanks!
  15. fishfatty

    Please Help!

    now the clown has started to come back out.....I guess they only do their changing thing for one night???
  16. fishfatty

    Please Help!

    update...the clown is still in the corner. I hope he will be okay.... :notsure:
  17. fishfatty

    Red Slime remover

    if your trying to get rid of red slime...ive used that, and at the same time added a phosphate removing filter pad...took it all away and hasnt come back. I batteled it for 8 months!
  18. fishfatty

    Please Help!

    Originally Posted by MonaLisa Questions...are your 2 clowns pretty much the same size, or were they when you introduced them to your tank? It could very well be that the 2 clowns are in the process of establishing gender. I can't explain the "faded dots on the back fins", but my guess is that...
  19. fishfatty

    T5 vs. PC

    thanks! the tank is 20" deep
  20. fishfatty

    Please Help!

    My clownfish has suddenly today started going to the corner of my tank, leaning against the rock. He doesnt look well at all. I noticed he has like a little white faded dots on his back fins...the color has faded too. Please help! Just yesterday he was swimming everywhere!!! Ive had him for...