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  1. dangerfish


    Yeah I do have some algae growing in the display tank im planning on getting some snails to help eat it all.
  2. dangerfish


    And my nitrate is at 0
  3. dangerfish


    No its this light http://www.**************.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=29013&cmpid=03cseYY&ref=6194&subref=AA&cmpid=PLA_G_6194&gclid=CIyCntuzydACFQ9Efgod4IID6Q And my light is about 7 inch away from the water surface. And I dont really know how to higher or lower light because it only...
  4. dangerfish


    btw the stuff you see at the bottom by the heater is algae that died and fell off I only have one leaf (if thats what you call it) that is living down their if you want to see more pictures I can give em to you if you want.
  5. dangerfish


    heres a video of how it is going now
  6. dangerfish


    I was doing some more research on the light I have and figured out that my light has 6500k color tempature and I was wondering if that is good or bad and if that is what is killing my algae.
  7. dangerfish


    Thank you for your help. So what I'm hearing is that I should just get a stronger light
  8. dangerfish


    I'm using the eshops refugiam light and it's on 24/7(is it possible that it is getting to much light)
  9. dangerfish


    So I have a refugium but the algae in it is dying and I have a light and the water in the tank is good quality i mean I have hermit crabs reproducing and clownfish growing, and algae growing inside the display, so what can I do to help save the algae I have left. Do I need sand in the refugium?
  10. dangerfish

    So I finally got it

    So I figured out he is a fiddler and is only semi aquatic so I will be returning him tomorrow so he doesn't drown because I have no way for him to get out of the tank plus he still isn't eating.
  11. dangerfish

    So I finally got it

    sorry I couldn't get the pictures to work
  12. dangerfish

    So I finally got it

    I finally got my tank :) I got 2 clownfish (black and white ocelaris clowns I think their just tiny so their not at their mature colors yer) 9 hermit crabs ( I did have 10 put 1 died I found it with out its shell which is weird since I bought a bunch of extra shells) 1 fiddler crab So I...
  13. dangerfish

    I'm such an Idiot

  14. dangerfish

    I'm such an Idiot

    dont worry I didint put my heater in the tank to cool it off
  15. dangerfish

    I'm such an Idiot

    haha I thought of doing this but I didn't
  16. dangerfish

    What do I do next

    Ok, so I finally got water in my tank the salinity is good everything is working (except my heater :D check my other thread i'm such an idiot) I got dry sand in my tank, no rock yet but im planning on it, I'll be using dry rock. so what do I do next and if cycling then what should I use to start...
  17. dangerfish

    I'm such an Idiot

    So I finally got water in my tank so I turn everything on, but I forgot to put my new heater in the water, luckily I saw the smoke before it can really do any real damage but it did burn some plastic from the cords, none of them burnt all the way through but I still put electrical tape on them...
  18. dangerfish

    Does this list look ok for fish ideas

    So is my tank good
  19. dangerfish

    Does this list look ok for fish ideas

    Question is my cleaner crew big enough because I've seen some things around the internet that said that you should have ! snail per gallon so I was just wondering if this was true.
  20. dangerfish

    What do I do when the power goes out

    thank you