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  1. D

    Cycling question

    So if nitrate is up that means ammonia spike has finished? And if nitrates up then tank is close to cycled? I plan on waiting a couple more weeks just because I want sand etc. to all be settled in and get that good bacteria going... If nitrate is up I assume I get that shrimp out of there?
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    Cycling question

    Only tested Ammonia and no reading. Should I test the others?
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    Cycling question

    You think it would be ok if I just have a FOWLR? Shrimp were both about 2 inches, I left in shell
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    Cycling question

    I have a 125g planning on FOWLR. Had some live rock 40-50lb and soaked in fresh water for one week, changed water daily and shot off debris with hose. I put the rock in tank with Fluval FX6 and wave maker running for 2 weeks. Still have some type of live material on rock. I see some green algae...
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    Hey anyone think I need to get Seachem prime or stability when I am just starting up my new tank or thereafter? FOWLR. I'd love to hear other's experiences! Thanks!
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    Test Kit in Hawaii

    Finally found one that shipped....thanks for all the timely help! Now I have a question, I have been running pumps and have that live rock that has been soaking in fresh hose water in a cooler for 2 weeks with total water changes every other day. some old seaweed etc. if gradually coming off now...
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    Test Kit in Hawaii

    Do I need all of these other than ammonia and nitrate, and nitrite just with a FOWLR?
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    Instant Ocean Question

    Waited about 30 hrs now... now it is lower than 1.020, reading at 1.017. There is a lot of flow in there, running a Jebao PP-15 at full speed and an FX-6. Only thing I can think of is I have about 50lbs of live rock I had soaking in freshwater as I changed water out daily. Maybe the rock is...
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    Instant Ocean Question

    I'll check again tonight that will be 24 hours. I have plenty of flow and am using a refractometer that has been calibrated.
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    Instant Ocean Question

    I am starting my new tank, just added all of the 60lbs of instant ocean (says makes up to 200 gallons) in my 125 gallon tank (72x18x23inch) and my salinity is just getting around 1.020. Anyone know if this is normal why it would take so much salt initially? All I have in there so far is some...
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    125 Gallon Set up HELP

    Can't have a reef in Hawaii, can't get corals here I here :(
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    Test Kit in Hawaii

    Thanks, what types would I need for a FOWLR? I was looking for an all-in-one but BRS looks like they sell individually
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    Test Kit in Hawaii

    I can't get the API Saltwater Master Test Kit to ship to Hawaii either through Amazon or *****. Anyone have any suggestions on a kit that will ship or what I should be looking for? Just starting a FOWLER tank, only added salt and live rock so far an going to wait for it to cycle. Thanks!
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    Heater when starting new tank no fish question

    Monitor as in....? Any parameters I am looking at? Thanks!
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    Heater when starting new tank no fish question

    Do I need to run my heater when I am just starting to cycle and cure some live rock in new tank? Just mixed saltwater. Live in Hawaii 68-87 F Thanks!
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    125 Gallon Set up HELP

    3 So this will circulate water and then serve as pump to pump water from brute to tank?
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    125 Gallon Set up HELP

    Thanks all, I am just going to stick with what I can find here....but I do love clowns and will start with that :) Any no brainers I should be looking in to?
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    Fluval FX-6 Water change

    Anyone have any success using the Fluval FX-6 both for draining water (seems simple) but then using feature to pump water back into tank? Thanks!
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    125 Gallon Set up HELP

    I was going to just start with some clowns. I read I should look into "clean up crew" with snails, crabs etc. too? I am interested in any suggestions. I live in Hawaii, I would love to eventually get some anemone for clowns but not sure how to go about that. (I live on maui so limited on...
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    Initial saltwater mix

    Can I do my initial mix in my tank? Figured I would start the RODI getting water in there and then mix some salt in 5 gallon bucket, poor in to right measurement and run circulation? Waiting on my circulation pump but can't I run Fluval FX-6 without any media etc. to circulate?