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  1. xdave

    Replace your heater

    Jagers are very good. Visitherms are good too, but I use Jagers. Don't think they make a full size heater with anything but glass. I always use 2 that can heat 75% of the water in case one dies. Replacing them every year isn't necessary, but it wouldn't hurt.
  2. xdave

    Live Brine Shrimp.. What do they eat?

    It's true that adult brine have a lot of protein. They are almost pure protein. This does not blow away the theory about them being non nutritious for fish. If you feed adult fish nothing but brine (or any pure protein food) the will become malnourished. To answer the original question, powder...
  3. xdave

    Aquarium Background

    Fish emulate their surroundings. The darker the background, as well as the substrate, the more intense the fishes colors will be. This is a scientific fact that has been well known for many decades. Every book I've read that discusses background color mentions it.
  4. xdave

    Moorish Idol... Getting one.

    Originally Posted by zoboo2 Ok so for those of you that ARE keeping one let's see a pic all ready, or are you just telling "fish stories"? Anybody can buy one and take it's picture. I want to see a pic from when they got it and one from a year later.
  5. xdave

    next best lighting to MH?

    T5 VHO, with individual parabolic reflectors.
  6. xdave

    Flame this man!!! lol

    The tap water isn't the big problem here, it's the antibacterial chemicals the hose is treated with.
  7. xdave


    Take some water home from the lfs, write the SG they say it is on the bag, float the bag of water in you tank until it's at temp, test it with your hydrometer and mark the spot on it. This mark will be what you lfs waters SG is. Swing arm types aren't that accurately calibrated, but they are...
  8. xdave

    pls help: damsel shooting at Yellow T

    Damsels are only aggressive if not kept in correct numbers. Schooling fish should be kept in odd numbered groups of at least 3.
  9. xdave

    give it to me straight

    When writing your post scroll down to 'manage attachments" then you browse for the pic, it can not have any dimension over 500 pixels.
  10. xdave

    Pairing Up Clowns

    If you add a fish to the qt while one is in there, the quarantine period for the fish that was already there starts over.
  11. xdave

    Moorish Idol... Getting one.

    He is also not counting the ones that died at the capture site, on the boat trip to the collection station, or the trip to the distributors. That one fish in his tank represents at least 100 that died in the process, and that is an understatement.
  12. xdave

    How to catch a Damsel....

    Schooling fish should be kept in odd numbered groups, otherwise they may be aggressive.
  13. xdave

    Flame this man!!! lol

    Can I flame him for putting a headband on his baby?
  14. xdave

    Having Water tested at LFS

    Originally Posted by mandarin w Now if we could only find a way to keep those car salesmen busy so we could just look around the lots That's an easy one. Two beautiful women. Have them split up and then keep asking the salesmen for coffee and stuff. Then when it's time to work out the deal...
  15. xdave

    Maroon Clowns..

    Maroon clowns compared to other fish in general are considered semi aggressive.
  16. xdave


    Originally Posted by GNorman thanks for making me feel like an idiot. but i guess i should have used better words. i know butterflies are pretty hard to keep. but is the golden like the copper band where its really really really hard to keep? would u go with a golden butterfly or a queen angel...
  17. xdave

    Too heavy fish tank?

    No bounce at all. My neighbor told me that most of the homes in this area were built with the larger trees that were on the lot and they left the little ones. We mostly have huge oak trees on my street. He has one in his front yard that's about 4' to 5' across. All the wood work, including the...
  18. xdave

    worst nightmares

    Working at a fish store the day after "Finding Nemo" came out. Can't decide if it would be worse if Perculas were in, or out of stock.
  19. xdave

    trigger (niger?) w/ dwarf lion

    Nigers usually don't bother lions.
  20. xdave

    Lfs Is Satan!

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ Darn I was gonna go with damnit jim ,I'm a herpetologist not an icthyologist..... You can get an ointment for that ya know!