Search results

  1. cal559

    Best Surface of Sand cleaner?

    Cerith snails + Tonga Fighting Conch + Nass Snails = FTW
  2. cal559

    Rebelprettyboy 14-Gal BioCuBE Pic DIAry!

    Nice pick ups!!! I've been thinking about buying that OraGlo Food. Let me know how it works for you...
  3. cal559

    First salt tank 20g nano

    Post pictures...
  4. cal559

    the start of my 20L adventure lol

    Originally Posted by mboswell1982 ok, so i know some of you want to get an idea as to what our fish stocklist is gonna look like, well, its gonna be like this, an before i take any heat for this, take into account im going to have at least 2 aquaclear 110's on this thing running as fuges, one...
  5. cal559

    Red Sea Max 34 gallon...Diary

    Well yesterday I got my hands on an aquaclear 70, it holds about a gallon of water, decided to mod it into a fug... I need a bigger filter Here's some pictures...
  6. cal559

    Red Sea Max 34 gallon...Diary

    Dude I think 1 aquaclear 110 is 13 inches
  7. cal559

    schooling fish w/ lion?

    Originally Posted by crypt keeper they get bigger than that Hopefully they get 20 inches then V. Lionfish can eat something it's length and they are very fast growers up to 18 inches
  8. cal559

    Project you can't have...

    This thread is amazing
  9. cal559

    Fish on one side of tank

    Maybe it's territorial issues? What fish do you have in your tank and how big is it?
  10. cal559

    schooling fish w/ lion?

    Full grown Volitan Lionfish will eat something 6inches with ease....
  11. cal559

    Multiple Dargon Morays?

    Originally Posted by 95Harley Starting to wonder if it is worth it or I'd better served with: DME Large Angel: Queen/Emp Large Tang: Sohal/Naso Large Shoal of Blue Reef Chromis and various Damsels Wonder what size tank this needs...180g? I like this idea the brings more movement to...
  12. cal559


    Thanks didn't catch
  13. cal559

    Red Sea Max 34 gallon...Diary

    Originally Posted by scottallert nice zoa colony, tank looks great. Thanks Scott
  14. cal559


    Nice Pictures...but we need a Full Tank Shot
  15. cal559

    Blood Worms ?

    Can you feed blood worms to saltwater fish? Are they good for them?
  16. cal559

    Appy's Solana Journal

    Very Nice Pictures!!!
  17. cal559

    10 gallon nano Nemo style!

    Well Good Luck with your project...
  18. cal559

    the start of my 20L adventure lol

    Yeah you can use playground sand just seed it with some sand from an established aquarium, lots of people go this route...
  19. cal559

    the start of my 20L adventure lol

    Sooooo whens the tank gonna have some sw in it?
  20. cal559

    the start of my 20L adventure lol

    Thanks for the pix