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  1. W

    How to remove a mushroom from LR?

    Originally Posted by jswan10 it tough to hurt a shroom, there so hardy. just peel it up and cut it off low at the base, then it will close up real small, then glue it somewhere else. you wont kill it What should I use to glue it?
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    How to remove a mushroom from LR?

    Originally Posted by alix2.0 cut or peel it off. it may grow back though. you could cut it off and then squirt the spot with boiling water to destroy any leftover pieces. I do not mind if it growns back on the rock, the piece of LR it is growing on has some algae on it and I am transfering...
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    How to remove a mushroom from LR?

    Hello, I have a mushroom I need/want to remove from a piece of LR. What is the best way to do this without hurting the mushroom? Thanks!
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    Looks like I need an RO unit ??

    In the past I used tap water with additives to eliminate the 'bad stuff', but after seeing the importance of quality water I looked into an RO unit. After seeing the cost of these, and the replacement filter costs I found API's DI 'Tap Water Filter' (it is not RO but DI water). Since using that...
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    Koralia Pumps ?'s

    Ok, I am going to go with the 'normal' ones. Now which ones do you recommend? I was going to do 2 of them, both on the same end of the tank, should I buy the 3's or 4's? They are going into a 110g High, (48x18x30). Thanks!
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    Koralia Pumps ?'s

    Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 +1 I would go with the regulars. Though, I have to warn you right now, some people have had problems with too much excess electricity in the water caused by the koralias. Good luck and have fun! Interesting, do you have an alternate suggestion I could look...
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    Minimum to keep LR alive ?

    Originally Posted by gmann1139 Yes, Yes, Yes, and Yes. If you're just talking a month or so, as long as its not in a closed container and you put a heater and PH in there, you should be fine. I would say a month, 2 at max. Heat at 78 or can it be lower? How much light does it really need?
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    Koralia Pumps ?'s

    I would like to add a Koralia type pump to my system, but I have a couple questions. Besides flow rate, is there a reason to go with the Magnum series over the 'normal' series? I read a comment about the 'normal' ones having some louder noise with electroic start up, is this true and what is it...
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    Minimum to keep LR alive ?

    I am breaking down my nano tank, transfered fish to the other tank. I have some LR in the tank I want to keep it live, but I do not want to put into my other tank just yet. What are my minimum requirements to keep it alive? Temp? Heat? Lighting? Flow? Thanks!
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    CF's to HM's lights - How to break in aquarium?

    Last night I switched over my CF fixture (4x65w) to a MH fixture (2x250w 10k & 2x96w CF's). How should I break in the aquarium to the new lighting? The old lighting would be on about 8-10 hours a day. I ran the new one about 3 hours last night. I do not want to shock anything so I was curious...
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    New to LPS - looking for suggestions

    I am new to LPS Corals, I have kept plenty of mushrooms and softies in the past in other tanks but finally upgraded the lighting on the new tank to MH's. I was wondering if there was a FAQ's site about LPS? I was curious what the most important factors are when growing them? Thank you!
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    Extra 75g - Any fun ideas for it ?

    Very good ideas!! That computer setup was amazing!
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    Extra 75g - Any fun ideas for it ?

    Since I upgraded I now have an 'extra' 75g tank that I do not know what to do with. It has a beautiful stand, and I have the 'old' 260w CF lighting fixture, a few power heads, and a couple 330gph bio wheel filters. I was curious if anyone had any unique or fun thoughts for something in this...
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    Do I need to upgrade my electrical?

    So, I upgraded from an older CF lighting fixture to a MH lighting fixture (2 x 250w 10k & 2x96w CF's). It comes with 2 huge external ballasts. My question is, do I need to be careful what I plug these into? I was planning on running 2 of the coralife digital timers (power centers), one for the...
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    What shocked and killed my fish?

    Well I am home, both fish & coral are fine in the other tank. I learned 3 lessons, check TWICE from measurements, do not use aluminum foil, and do not use superglue! I would like to believe the drop in salt caused this, but without definite proof it is best to stay away from all 3! I have done...
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    What shocked and killed my fish?

    Originally Posted by subielover I agree with the above posters. It was the drastic and fast change of the salinity that did them in. Live and learn. Part of me wants to agree as it is the obvious answer, however, why did the fish come back quickly when introduced into the new system, with even...
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    What shocked and killed my fish?

    Originally Posted by spanko Agree here, what two fish survived? Some fish are more tolerant of things. Take Damsels, people cycled with them as the ammonia source back in the day. Perfaps the two fish that survived are of a type that can take adverse conditions better than others. 2 Yellow...
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    What shocked and killed my fish?

    I posted yesterday with a pleade for quick help, now I am trying to figure out what the happened! 16g bow front, up and running for about 2 years. Never had an issue before with anything. I tested the water before my bi-weekly water change, everything was 'normal'. I have an Eheim Ecco...
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    BIGGEST mistake you've made in the hobby

    Setting up my system without a sump! Such a nightmare dealing with in-line items and trying to figure out 'unique' way to work around things.
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    Quick help needing - Fish dying as I type!

    My intake pipe strainer was cracked, I used a little 'super-glue' to repair it, let it sit about an hour, then reattached also. Could the glue be giving off something bad? I made sure it was 100% dry before returning to the water. Anyone out there?