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  1. sweetdawn

    New Nano 24G

    try checking your alkalinity
  2. sweetdawn

    question about snowflake eel

    will it hurt you if you touch the snowflake eel. cause if he goes into the hang on thing in the back again im not taking the whole thing apart to put him back in god what a hassle that was
  3. sweetdawn

    For Sale

    arent those something you leave to people you hate in your will. scubadoo you should get them and will them to your mother in law you could hang them on your wall and when she comes to visit say yup those babies are yours when im gone.
  4. sweetdawn

    New Nano 24G

    you need to get your live rock in now before you add the fish even if the lfs says it is cured it probably isnt completly cured so you need to put it in now so it will do its recycle before you put in the fish not after
  5. sweetdawn

    For Sale

    i have an angel lamp thats eyes follow you when you wlk by freaks people out
  6. sweetdawn

    coral light requirement

    i have what you have and my pulsing xenias do well
  7. sweetdawn


    i like them they have little red feathers
  8. sweetdawn

    Pre-packaged Seawater

    i dont use that brand but i do occasionally add a container of the real ocean water when i do a water change not all the time just one every couple of months figure cant hurt and puts nutrients into the water. when i set up my 55 gallon tank i used about half that water to fill it. now i wonder...
  9. sweetdawn

    How your protien skimmer can effect social life

    just have your own party invite all the neighbors except the ones who didnt invite you and show off your tank. will get the word out all at once. Besides unless your rich could you really afford to do drugs and have a salt water tank. just because i love the banana he should be on all posts
  10. sweetdawn

    fuzzy dwarf lionfish

    very nice pics i just put a very small snowflake eel in with my lionfish hopefully that will be ok the eel is only about 6 inches long he scared my lobster out of the rocks so i could catch him and move him to a different tank. and really excited im getting a metal halide pendant light on...
  11. sweetdawn


    murph likes that picture. i like my dwarf he likes freeze dried brine shrimp. I just put a snowflake eel in with him. so far so good
  12. sweetdawn


    spend a week or so reading on this site first. and take anything the lfs says with a grain of salt
  13. sweetdawn

    Anyone Ever Look At There Tank When They Are High?

    my bananas are still dancing.i dont get high but i do have a strobe light im gonna try that do you think it would stress my fish just cause i like the banana like this one too
  14. sweetdawn

    good joke for women

    i was trying to kill this thread i was enjoying the good jokes
  15. sweetdawn

    For Sale

  16. sweetdawn

    Clean up crew.

    lettuce nudibranch get sucked into power filters and such.
  17. sweetdawn

    emergency question ***********

    cant do electric stuff but when i set up my tank the book i used said to have a drip loop you just attach a power strip higher than your tank and let the cords hang down in a loop
  18. sweetdawn

    please indentifi this( realy weird looking) on live rock

    dont know what that first thing is but it looks cool
  19. sweetdawn

    For Sale

    i dont think it will fit in my tank
  20. sweetdawn

    Finally got my camera set up- new pics!

    does the trigger pick on the lionfish