Originally Posted by pchromis
there is MegaPets in Plainview.
PetsWarehous on Sunrise Highway in Copaigue.
Parrots of the World in rockville Centre
Tropical Showcase in Hiscksville
Aquarium Adventure iN Carle place
Mutts N Butts in Merrick
AnimalTailz in Bethpage
Total Aquariums in...
Originally Posted by zoboo2
Just bought the salifert tests. I was using the Red sea marine kit. I ran a series of tests tonight using both Salifert and Red Sea. Suprisingly, they gave very similar results. I wanted some help reading my results of the ammonia test from salifert. The resulting...
butterfly, penguin, chick, elephant, ostrich, grasshopper, giraffe, whatever that borwn thing is hanging from your return line, im gonna guess the cleaner shrimp
Originally Posted by Newone
Some how my DT was left out of the refrigerater for almost a day. Is it still good or not?
Does it smell really bad? I mean worse than normal.
Is it safe to say with 300w of metal halide lighting in a 46 gallons that i can pretty much keep anything? Just want some opinions cuz now that i have these lights im getting a serious itch for coral.
Id like to buy some of those corals before they die. Nitrates at 100. Not much is going to last very long. It is kinda cruel. You gotta ask yourself, would you want to share your living room with 19 other people?
Originally Posted by jsgreer1
ive heard the recommendation is 1 for every 5 gal. i have a 26 gal tank and i have 4 of them and they cant keep it clean enough. they sure do try though. my tanks still has the diatom algae in it though and they eat it.
These are the big snails. About the size of a...
Originally Posted by jsgreer1
youve only got one? how big is your tank?
46 gallon. I know the recommendation is 1 per 20 gallon. I have about 20 astreas, 20 blue legs, 10 nassarius snails. I got him last at my LFS for $3.
I would just put the yellow tang. Blue hippo will get to big unless you plan to upgrade within a year or 2. Coral catfish from what ive read are venomous. They also grow up to 12 inches. I would take those off the list also.
How long do they normally live? Just found mine dead today. Had him about 8 months. Im assuming he might have starved. Ive noticed slightly less algae in my take lately. Coralline is starting to take over. My levels have been stable since before i got him.
Heres the problem with having 1 metal halide in the middle of a bowfront tank. That damm middle brace. It will cast a shadow in the middle of your tank. I have the same problem on my 46 bow so i ordered a unit with 2 150w 14,000k HQI.
Originally Posted by puffer32
Sounds good I wasn't sure the tubing was the right size to attach to pump, but looks like that will work!
Cool. Tank should full in under an hour. Good luck