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  1. taz5

    Porky Puffer

    Porky Puffer seen, but still not eating. Will update.
  2. taz5

    Wow my 5" Porcupine Puffer has disappeared

    My last puffer was 3 inches and disappeared for a week. When feeding fish were not eating, next day we did our weekly cleaning and found that the other fish were at the buffet. Poor puffer. Sorry to hear about your puffer. My wife and kids love the puffer.
  3. taz5

    Porky Puffer

    Originally Posted by Rslinger soak your food with some fresh crushed garlic. this has worked for me with a fish not wanting to eat. and it is good for them every now and then anyways Been doing the crushed garlic everyone else eats except the Puffer. See Puffer swimming at night. Also, been...
  4. taz5

    Porky Puffer

    Originally Posted by pleasants9 What have you been trying to feed him? Krill, squid, clams, etc.
  5. taz5

    Porky Puffer

    New 4 inch puffer in 325 gallon tank. Amonia, nitrite, nitrate and salinty all perfect. Puffer out for few days now hiding and not visibly eating, but swimming when lights are out at night. Tank has been running for 6-8 months. What can I do so puffer can eat and be happy? fish in tank...