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  1. txjigsaw

    ID Please

    I recently picked this up at fish store. The tentacles are smooth they aren't feathery like my star burst polyp. Maybe a clove or Daisey Polyp? Any thoughts on ID would be appreciated. Thanks
  2. txjigsaw

    Should I Be Worried?

    Wasn't sure where to post this. Anyway I have had this BTA for over a year and this morning I noticed something on my BTA don't know if it damaged its self on a rock or if it's some kind of parasite/disease.I took a closeup of the area. PLEASE HELP.
  3. txjigsaw

    What's This?

    Found it in my tank today. about 3 in long with red stripes.
  4. txjigsaw


    No copper test kit but have one ordered since non off my local stores have any. Tap water, I know its really bad but i thought a water conditioner would work. Live and learn. Thanks for your hepl.
  5. txjigsaw


    Originally Posted by ophiura It is unlikely to be extremely effective. I wish it was that easy to remove it but it isn't I am afraid. Are you sure you have copper? well all my snails are falling off the glass and are dead. all my test for ammonia, nirtrate,nitrite,ph,SG ,temp all all within a...
  6. txjigsaw


    Originally Posted by ophiura Yes. Fatal to invertebrates which is why it is used to treat for parasites. ok thanks Will a water conditioner that neutralizes heavy metals take care of the copper in the water?
  7. txjigsaw


    Is copper considered a heavy metal? :notsure:
  8. txjigsaw


    Originally Posted by CELACANTHr wait what test kit do you use? aquarium pharmacueticals salt water master test kit
  9. txjigsaw


    Originally Posted by exile415 what are your water paremeters ? Temp 79 Sg 1.024 Ammonia 0.25 ph 8.4 nitrates 0 nitrites 0
  10. txjigsaw


    Originally Posted by CELACANTHr what do the snails look like when they die? did the animals just stop moving or are there empty shells or are there cracked open shells? The snails just stop moving and I pick them up to see if they smell rotten and they do.
  11. txjigsaw


    55 gal. tank 90lbs live rock pink figi sand canister filter rated for 100 gal tank heater, powerhead, skimmer 20 astrea snails 10 blue leg hermits 1 lettuce nudibranch 1 coral banded shrimp 1 emerald crab 1 neon goby 1 Mushroom Polyp Green Ricordea 1 mexican turbo snail and pesky hair algae...
  12. txjigsaw


    Yes for almost a month
  13. txjigsaw


    Some of my snails have died. And also my emerald crab is not moving around much. All test are at 0. Any ideas? :help: