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  1. cam78

    What size pump?

  2. cam78

    Refugium Help.

  3. cam78

    What size pump?

    Would a CS 90 overflow (600 GPH) and a Mag Drive pump (500 GPH) work well together for my 46 gallon Dt and a 10 gallon Sump? Also can I not submerge the pump and just use clear lines so this way I don't need so much room inside the 10 gallon to submerge a pump that is 5" X 5"? Please answer...
  4. cam78

    Refugium Help.

    Come on don't give up on me now guys. I'm almost there.
  5. cam78

    Toping Off Water

    They make automatic top offs.
  6. cam78

    What size pump?

    I am either getting a CPR CS 50 or CS 90 whatever someone thinks I'll need or I'll be getting the Lifereef. I think the Lifereef is to big for my tank though. Any recommendations? I'll be getting the overflows because my tank is not drilled.
  7. cam78

    Color changing Coral?

    Power compacts. Placed midway. Flow is calm in the area it is in. there is flow troughout the tank but its not in any direct line of flow.
  8. cam78

    What size pump?

    I am currently in the process of making a 10 gallon refugium tank for my 46 bow. I need to know what kind of pump I will need to pump back into my DT. If someone can give me a good name brand and size it will help me put my last baffle in place. I don't know how close to put the last baffle...
  9. cam78

    Refugium Help.

    Does anyone have the size or dimensions of the pump that is placed into the refgium to pump the water back to the tank? I have a 46 gallon tank so I need to know what size pump I need to pump back into the tank. I wanna place the acrylic on that side but don't know how much room to leave...
  10. cam78

    Giving up!

    Salinity is taken with the coralife deepsix plastic thing 1.025 I had one of those, here is the problem with them. They are inaccurate if you do not compensate for the temp. of your water. Those "deep six" are calibrated for 66 degrees or something stupid. When you test it with a deep six the...
  11. cam78

    Color changing Coral?

    Any other thoughts anyone?
  12. cam78

    Refugium Help.

    Is it a problem if I use the HOB skimmer in the portion where the LR and LS is? I'm not sure if the HOB will fit in the portion of the baffles. Thats why Im asking. Oh yeah, I have officially started, the baffles are drying as we type. Hope this works. Dry baffles dry! :cheer:
  13. cam78

    Sump question

    I have a 46 Bow and have a 10 gallon tank I will be useing fro the refuge. I have a HOB protein skimmer I would like to be inside the refuge, heater, and I will be getting LR and Sand. Do you have a "simple" sketch of what I could do? I just bought a sheet of acyrlic and silicone. I will be...
  14. cam78

    10g DIY sump plans

    I'm looking for the same thing, so I'll bump this for ya!
  15. cam78

    Sump question

    What kind of canister is that? I have a fluval 305, I didn't think of doing anything like that. Im in the process of doing one myself. Would this work with the canister?
  16. cam78

    Refugium Help.

    OK, is it me, or does that overflow look rather large? The portion that hangs inside the tank. Lifereef's that is.
  17. cam78

    Will he stop!

    I have an engineer, I only see it during feedings. It has created tunnels from one side of the tank all the way to the other, its CRAZY. The only thing that sucks is feeding. I almost have to overfeed my tank in order for it to et anything. I drop food in and all the fishes that swim eat it...
  18. cam78

    Color changing Coral?

    yeah thats not good then, It shed about a week ago. Hmmmm. :help:
  19. cam78

    Where do I buy?

    Really? I heard they only have Plexi-glass there. Is plexi-glass ok to use rather than acrylic?
  20. cam78

    Refugium Help.

    Who makes the "tube type". Sorry, you annoyed yet. 1 question after another. The quieter the better in my case because the tank is in the family room where TV and stuff is. Thanks, Im getting excited to do this. And plus I always wanted to use this guy. LOL