Color changing Coral?


Active Member
Does anyone have a devil's hand that turns colors? Mine will be green one minute, brownish the next. Open one minute closed up another then droopy another. Whats going on? Is this the way it is or is something wrong?


Active Member
If you really mean it is changing colors/shapes quickly, yes something is probably wrong. If you mean from one day to the next, maybe not.


Active Member
Are the little tenticle looking things suppose to be out all the time or most of the day? Because if they are then something might be worng.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CAM78
yeah thats not good then, It shed about a week ago. Hmmmm. :help:
most leather corals "shed" as a way of basically cleaning themselves off. its turning green and floppy because it's disturbed for some reason, or just closing for the night, but if it stays like this for a while, just like wax said, it could be a problem. what conditions is it under? light/ flow etc?


Active Member
Power compacts. Placed midway. Flow is calm in the area it is in. there is flow troughout the tank but its not in any direct line of flow.