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  1. miel


    :happyfish I have a supply of oyster shells that I was planning on using to increase my display. Thought I'd use them as the base and place my LR on top. These shells are approx 1 year out of the pacific. Am I going to run in to any major problems. I know they have to be clean, but should...
  2. miel

    IO to RC

    thanks, I had heard there could be a problem, switching too fast, but that -- was a better choice for the reef tank. I'm gonna give it a go!
  3. miel

    Banded serpant

    :rolleyes: Has qnyone heard of a Red banded serpant (brittlestar) snagging fish for a mid-night snack? I have had some recent losses, 1-perc. and 1-chromis, and blue hippo tang. All fish were approx 1 inch in length. All appeared healthy, and all my surviving fish are healthy and doing...
  4. miel

    IO to RC

    Any problems noticed switching to Reef Crystals after using IO for 2 years?