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  1. gasguzzler

    Firearm Fans

    Heres the Gemtech version
  2. gasguzzler

    Firearm Fans

    acrylics- Dont get too excited, just the suppressor length will be correct. The trigger pack wont be pinned in the front.
  3. gasguzzler

    Firearm Fans

    Gemtech is making a GSD-5 that will be internally suppressed just like their big brothers. They will have a 16" version and an HK correct 12" SBR version. These are the ones I was talking about. I called Gemtech and they said they will be released sometime in the summer, but no other specs were...
  4. gasguzzler

    Firearm Fans

    Theres always someone with more! Does anyone know when the GSG-5SD comes out? Is there a pre-buy list I can get on?
  5. gasguzzler

    Firearm Fans

    Theres a good youtube video of mossberg 500 disassemly.
  6. gasguzzler

    Firearm Fans

    The light is an Insight Technologies M6 light/laser combo. Very highly recommended. The launcher is a standard 37mm flare/smoke.
  7. gasguzzler

    Firearm Fans

    Heres the Kimber, Springfield XD, DEagle, other AR, HK91 clone and Mossberg 500.
  8. gasguzzler

    Firearm Fans

    socal57che- The one pictured is an american reciever with all german parts. The other all german one I have is out getting the SD conversion.
  9. gasguzzler

    Firearm Fans

    hellius31- I bought my girlfriend a Sig Mosquito for Valentines Day! The price range for the MP5s varies by maker and parts content. Usually finished ones go for about $4k. If you buy a receiver and have it built for you, the parts kits go for about $1800 (if all-German), the flat receiver goes...
  10. gasguzzler

    Firearm Fans

    Yeah, theyre all mine and all semi. Cant drop the $15k for a registered MP5 sear just yet! I have another all-German built MP5 getting converted to an SD. I also have a Kimber Custom II and an HK USP.
  11. gasguzzler

    Firearm Fans

    Hey guys. Havent posted in a bit. Thought I would show off some new builds. What do you have?
  12. gasguzzler

    Wavemaster PRO

    OK, if mch2o passes I will take it. He was first.
  13. gasguzzler

    Wavemaster PRO

    I will take a model number and an asking price/pic at Thanks.
  14. gasguzzler

    sell outs

    Some pics of current set up:
  15. gasguzzler

    sell outs

    I got a sweet deal Im picking up next week. 270 gal drilled, stand, canopy 90 gal sump drilled Mag 36 and 24 returns ASM G4X w/Sedra 15000 Calcium and phosphate reactors 6 stage RO/DI w/booster pump 36W UV w/extra bulb 200 lbs live sand 140 lbs live rock Various heaters, 8 powerheads, food...
  16. gasguzzler

    blue spotted ray???

    The dimensions arent right based on my experience. Even a smaller Cortez would be cramped in a 5' tank. A blue spotted would get too big for a tank 2.5' wide also.
  17. gasguzzler

    tons of equipment for sale

    Can you send some pictures of the lighting please?
  18. gasguzzler

    many many pics!

    I would love some of that green monti cap! By the way, the Brady comments hurt me deeply. At least I dont have to listen to my brother (a Colts fan) tell me how much Brady is running the score board up this year.
  19. gasguzzler

    NEED A NEW SKIMMER. Help me pick the best one.

    If you think noise might be a problem, they offer a recirc mod that not only improves efficiency and contact time but really cuts down on return noise. Its like $30. Just a thought.
  20. gasguzzler

    Bamboo Shark Update
