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  1. gebrony

    Sand!!! Home Depot, Lowes!!

    i emailed the home depot near where i live for the yardright brand and they did not have it but they said to just talk to one of the workers and they should be able to special order it for you
  2. gebrony

    "kentucky frags" thread continued

    yeah i went to fishland the first week it opened and the scale for the lr was broke so i got like 15lbs for the price of 7
  3. gebrony

    how many watts for 55g?

    i was just wondering what type of wattage would be needed on a 55g w/ soft corals and a bubble tip anemone?
  4. gebrony

    90g RR tank, stand, canopy, etc.. in eastlake, ohio

    what type of lighting do you have with the tank
  5. gebrony

    90g RR tank, stand, canopy, etc.. in eastlake, ohio

    is the tank still for sale?
  6. gebrony

    looking for bigger tank to upgrade to

    i am looking for a bigger tank than my now 55g to upgrade to so please if in ky and have a tank for sale drop me a line
  7. gebrony

    125g set up 4 sale youngstown, OH

    what type lights does the tank come with and is it still for sale