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  1. clowning around

    Purple Anemone?

    I have added some l/r to my existing 55...but purple anemone on l/r...can anyone i.d.??? :rolleyes:
  2. clowning around

    Thoughts on a Yellow Tang in a 46 Bowed

    Hey Jeff903...I would seriously watch the choco. star with the anemone...those things will chomp on anything they get their little paws on!!! :eek:
  3. clowning around


    so say...if I wanted to create my dsb with this would I go about taking out my cc and replacing it without recycling the tank??? Should I put my fish in another tank while doing this process??? :confused:
  4. clowning around

    ReD gEnErAl StArFiSh!!

    ok..if going into a fwolr tank, what species of starfish would be possible with the red general???thanks...sorry mr salty...I saw those pics on your site...that starfish was awsome...that's what drew my interest!! :(
  5. clowning around

    AdDiNg LiVeRoCk

    I was planning on ordering rock from this site so I suppose that would be ok??? :cool:
  6. clowning around

    tO sKiM oR nOt To SkIm...ThAt Is ThE qUeStIoN???

    Do I need to get a skimmer if I add a big amount of l/r to a 55g????THANKS!!
  7. clowning around

    AdDiNg LiVeRoCk

    I want to add some l/r to my 55g, this tank is established all parameters are good...but how much l/r should I add without disturbing the tank or the fish??? :confused:
  8. clowning around

    ReD gEnErAl StArFiSh!!

    Does anyone have any info on these guys...I think I saw one in Mr. Salty's tank on his site but would like more info...carnivore???herbivore???reef safe???thanks for all of your input!! :D
  9. clowning around

    Vomiting Blenny - Now Dead

    I have a Scopas Tang right now that vomits all of the eats a lot of the food that I put in the tank, and I guess it over eats...but really I don't think this has any effect on it is one of my most active fish!!!
  10. clowning around

    What do you consider the most interesting and expensive fish and corals?

    The most interesting fish to me would be a coral of the prettiest!!! and most interesting!!! :eek:
  11. clowning around

    im new to this board!

    Welcome to the board!!!!!!!!! :D
  12. clowning around

    Fish In Reef Tank???

    Thanks for the help guys...right now I added a scooter bleenie to my tank and he seems to be doing relatively well...he gets along with my tang and clown fine...although I did have a loss of my other clown tang got destroyed by one of my huge bye bye hermit...back to the...
  13. clowning around

    Fish In Reef Tank???

    As far as the Green Chromis go...I heard it's best to buy them in odd this true??? :confused:
  14. clowning around

    Fish In Reef Tank???

    I have a 55g reef with lr and dsb...right now I have some cleaner shrimp, scarlet hermits, mexican turbo snails, and for fish I have a Scopas Tang and Cinnamon Clown...I was think about 1 or 2 more fish...could anyone tell my what direction I may need to go in...I was thinking more along the...
  15. clowning around

    fish for a 150 ?

    Wow I can't believe anyone would put a trigger with anything but a trigger...especially a huma or a undulate...anything you put in the tank is fish food... :p
  16. clowning around

    Brown Scopas Tang and Undulate Trigger

    Is there any good parasite relief for this guy...yeah I know shrimp...but anything thing else...I have these two in 55 gal...any comments about the combo...please let me know...all of your notation is ammonia nitrates...proper salinity far as...