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  1. B

    Simple, inexpensive sump/ refugium

    I purchased Eshopp AEO 15005 reef sump a few months ago and it still works well. The refugium compartment was bigger than I thought it would be. However, it's more likely to get damaged easily.
  2. B

    20 gallon suggestions.

    I think you should invest a protein skimmer so it could make your tank better.
  3. B

    Which fish, for 10 gal tank?

    In my opinion, with your 10-gallon tank, you can stock 2 clowns or a couple of clown goby. I have a lovely smaller tank and I only stock a couple of clownfish and they look great.
  4. B

    Fish selection suggestions

    My husband is going to buy a new 20 gallon acrylic tank but we still have no idea about fish to stock in it. Can anyone give me some advice?
  5. B

    I have fish only saltwater. I also have the fake rock. Which is nice. When aptasia or bristleworms appear I just take the rock out and hose it down to

    I think you should out your fish to another place and then replace the water and remove all broken rock. My husband used to do it with my 55 gallon fish tank of mollies fish and it worked well.