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  1. zacg


    whats your PH supposed to be?
  2. zacg

    crushed coral to live sand

    i didnt but i dont know with urs being a 55 instead of a 24
  3. zacg

    75 Gallon Stock List

    well what would be a good tang to go with the yellow tang
  4. zacg

    75 Gallon Stock List

    what about a salfin tang or some other kind of tang instead of the flame hawk i want something with alot of color
  5. zacg

    75 Gallon Stock List

    I was wonderin if this would be an ok stock list. lawnmower blenny sixline wrasse clownfish blue hippo tang longnose butterfly yellow tang flame hawk would that be ok or is that to many fish?
  6. zacg

    crushed coral to live sand

    i done the same thing to my 24 gallon i have crushed coral and wanted to switch to live sand and i done it will all my corals and fish still in the water. the best way i found to do it was to divide the tank into 4ths and i done a corner at a time i would wash enough live sand to cover the 4th i...
  7. zacg

    Zac's 75 gallon aquarium

    yeah there are 250w metal halides on each end of the canopy. its supposed to be here friday.
  8. zacg


    do you have to read ammonia first florida joe before you put the cocktail shrimp in? and do you put the cocktail shrimp in anything or just drop it in ?
  9. zacg

    Zac's 75 gallon aquarium

    here is my aquarium with the lights on i'm still waiting on the water to clear up. the lights that are on suck my 500W MH should be in this week.
  10. zacg


    well with my 24 gallon i never saw diatoms
  11. zacg

    Zac's 75 gallon aquarium

    and a lawnmower blenny
  12. zacg

    Zac's 75 gallon aquarium

    well i have a 24gallon aqua pod right now that i have a frogspawn, xenia, green star polyps, kenya trees, red, green, purple mushrooms, feather dusters, zoos, red sponge, derasa clam, cleaner shrimp, clownfish, six line wrasse, emerald crab, and a horse shoe crab which i;m going to move all that...
  13. zacg


    well how will i know if its goin to cycle if i check my water right now what should it be?
  14. zacg

    Zac's 75 gallon aquarium

    here is a picture after i put my live rock in the water is still cloudy
  15. zacg


    yeah i'm going to get a sump on down the road just right now its gettin a little expensive so i'm goin to run the filter for awhile. i have a protein skimmer that goes on the back of the tank. i'm just wonderin how much of a cycle i'm goin to have or if i will have one. and how will i know if...
  16. zacg


    yeah florida joe it has been in an up and running tank for 5 years i bought the whole system i just put a new filter and i put new sand thats it. i'm using the same live rock both power heads and the protein skimmer.
  17. zacg

    Powerhead Question

    What Size Powerhead Would I Need For A 75 Gallon I Already Have One But Was Goin To Add Another One What Would Be A Good Gph For A Tank That Big
  18. zacg


    How Long Do You Think It Would Take It To Cycle With The Live Rock Being In There?
  19. zacg


    Anybody On Here Ever Tried That 24 Hr Cycle Stuff That You Can Buy I Was Just Wonderin If It Actually Works Or Now I Have A 75 Gallon Tank That I Am Setting Up And I'm Putting 50lbs Of Live Rock That Has Been In A Tank For 5 Years But I Put New Sand And A New Filter So Info Would Be Greatly...
  20. zacg


    Anybody on here ever mixed the salt into their tank after they have the water in i have my sand and 55 of my 75 gallons of RO water in my tank i haven't put my live rock in yet so is there a way to mix the salt while the water is in the tank b/c i really dont wanna have to take all the water out...