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  1. D

    Windows 8/ Great or a Mistake?

    At my last company (left last March after almost 30 years) we used Epicor Vantage (after ProfitKey, after DataCatcher). We implemented in '07. After several "upgrades" that fixed  few things and broke others, I found it pretty good, but this is the system I had in mind when I said "developed by...
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    Windows 8/ Great or a Mistake?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Slice I've been cranky since I had to give up DOS 3.2. Simple, elegant, "edlin is your friend". Save the resources for applications. I am about to go through my 4th "upgrade" in ERP systems at work and find the old COBOL system of yore to be more robust, more...
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    Who Still Has A Tank And Livestock?

    Took my 75 reef down a little over 3 years ago right before my wife and I had our twins. Dont have the room for one now with the kids stuff all over the place. We're planning on moving soon and I'm hoping I'll have some room in the new house to put a small tank back up.
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    Somehow I am Still Alive even if my Heart is trying to KILL ME

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower have to post again...I'm getting worried. I keep checking back to see how you are doing and I don't see any updates. He posted on Facebook as of last night.
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    Does big oil just throw a dart at a board to pick prices these days?!?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Granted, the last time this study was done was in 2010... I know for my family of 4 we spend about...
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    Does big oil just throw a dart at a board to pick prices these days?!?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW The average grocery bill for a family of four is 12,000 dollars a year. That seems awfully high. Most estimates I've seen put it at around $150 a week, or $7800 a year.
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    Does big oil just throw a dart at a board to pick prices these days?!?

    There were 2 refineries in NJ that were shut down due to hurricane sandy. That certainly affected prices and supplies here...
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    Looking forward to it but still am not sure how they are going to stretch it into 2 movies since IIRC it was the shortest of all the books
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    What exactly is God's plan?

    Those are the two best choices. Mossberg probably has more options. I'd just get a standard stock with the shortest barrel available. That's exactly what I was planning. Either an 18 or 18.5 inch barrel.
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    What exactly is God's plan?

    All this gun talk (and a lot of thinking and discussing with my wife over the last month) has got me ready to excessive my 2nd Amendment rights. Looking to pick up either a Mossberg 500 or Remington 870 to keep in the house. Anyone got any other suggestions for an inexpensive shotgun for home...
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    Anyone ever dive in Florida?

    I heard that it used to be better than it is now.  Just talked to someone who went last week and she said there wasn't that much life there... That's really too bad. It was a really nice site when I went
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    Anyone ever dive in Florida?

    I dove Pennecamp off Key Largo about 15 years ago. It was pretty cool then but I have no idea what kind of shape it's in these days
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    Welfare vs. Working. Where's the incentive to work?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Jerthunter I'm not sure about the incentive for most people, but personally, I do not see a life on welfare as being a desireable option. Don't get me wrong, I dislike working yet I work. I'm not working because I feel a moral obligation to work, I work to buy things...
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    I will be gone for a bit.

    Great news! I missed this thread last week. Glad to hear you are on the mend.
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    What exactly is God's plan?

    That has NEVER been proven. The 2 big studies that were touted by the media were quickly debunked and it's why those 2 studies are never mentioned in the public discourse any longer, though the errant "findings" still are. There is, however, a VERY proven link between familial dynamics and...
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    What exactly is God's plan?

    You got some proof that all people who turn out gay are born that way? No, I don't. Just like you have zero proof that gay people are Not born that way and are "corrupted and able to be healed" like so many bible bangers would like people to believe
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    What exactly is God's plan?

    It is not asinine, try doing some reading once in a while.  I just told you that one of our closest friends is gay how is that homophobic?  Do you even think about what you say before you spew it out? Stating unequivocally that a vast majority of homosexuals are gay because of past abuse is most...
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    What exactly is God's plan?

    I don't know if I would necessarily consider comparing things to be homosexual tendencies.  But then again I don't remember standing around in the locker room doing that myself either.   I think if you look at a lot of homosexual cases the vast majority of the time there is some sort of history...
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    What exactly is God's plan?

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 I want my children to grow up with good morals and values - but that doesn't come from a church, or church doctrine... it comes from my example as a father and my wife's example as a mother. I get frustrated when people think they can't live good moral...
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    I just hope Disney doesn't go all "John carter" on it and kill the story