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  1. reef diver

    Reef Diver's Tank Diary

    Yay! New pics!!! Check out the double tentacle! You can see that the cyano is gone
  2. reef diver

    Reef Diver's Mantis Tank Diary, and the daily life of Davo the Mantis

    Ok, new Pics!!!!! Now, what is Davo thinking right now???? OOH! Whats that!!!
  3. reef diver

    1 year progression

    Like the progression, and I liked thae valley look, its much more natural.
  4. reef diver

    My Dorm 5.5 gallon!

    hehe, so your clowns host the shrooms? Niice, looks good.
  5. reef diver

    JBJ Nano lighting

    If ur gonna get the 12 gallon, get the deluxe canopy, its worth the money, and its easier to retrofit stuff in from nanocustoms
  6. reef diver

    Self-contianed eco systems

    I wouldnt reccomend fish, they are too dirty. Me id do a mantis....
  7. reef diver

    nitrate is perfect nitrite is dreadful help!

    Definitely needs to be closed. Anyhow Nate, you arent the only one who is stressed here, or plays the guitar, however you are the only one with no respect for what nature has given you and everyone else.
  8. reef diver

    Want to trade Mangroves for Cheato?

    Ok, nybyrne, your shipment goes out tomorrow morning via UPS 2 day air.
  9. reef diver

    Reef Diver's Mantis Tank Diary, and the daily life of Davo the Mantis

    No, and it would break the glass too. go to tampa bay saltwater, they sell N. Wennaere
  10. reef diver

    want to buy frags

    Sorry, cant ship anymore, bogged down with exams and the holiday rush is coming, however after january third I will ship.
  11. reef diver

    Reef Diver's Mantis Tank Diary, and the daily life of Davo the Mantis

    ok, pics this weekend i promise, like I posted earlier.
  12. reef diver

    ReefkeeperZ, HELP!-Fragging an open brain...

    Think is is coral eating animals dont care if the animal survives. So, because we do its best to cut the animal doing as little damage as possible. Its a bit like this: Would you rather 1. Cut yourself along a thin deep cut, or a wide, deep cut, an whcih would heal faster.
  13. reef diver

    Reef Diver's Mantis Tank Diary, and the daily life of Davo the Mantis

    N. Wennerae, or G. Smithii N. Wennerae are available from Tampa Bay Saltwater, look through their site youll find it. U can also order through ur LFS G. Smithiis are usually available through ur LFS or online stores like stomatopod dot com. Just look through that lin earlier, and find one...
  14. reef diver

    ReefkeeperZ, HELP!-Fragging an open brain...

    Yeah, I know a few friends who have tile saws, but they use it for tile, and as such theyre a bit, well, dirty, and I wouldnt trust teh things, nor trust my friends to cut such a beautiful piece. So, i think ill take it to a SCMAS club member when I can get down there, and ask someone to frag...
  15. reef diver

    My theory on slowly dying corals - your theory please!

    Dont replace all at once, you may light shock your corals, replace one at a time, one per day.
  16. reef diver

    zoo and paly pack for sale or trade id's for most zoas
  17. reef diver

    want to buy frags

    Sorry, not selling anymore.
  18. reef diver

    My theory on slowly dying corals - your theory please!

    What is the light spectrum you are using, also, what is the light color (kelvin rating) of your bulbs, they may be photosynthetically inactive. Also the amount of light you have is fine for an anemone, at least in my experience. Temp is a little high too, I keep mine at 80 or so.
  19. reef diver

    Reef Diver's Mantis Tank Diary, and the daily life of Davo the Mantis

    I promise ill post pics soon.
  20. reef diver

    Reef Diver's Mantis Tank Diary, and the daily life of Davo the Mantis

    No, theyd be fine for quite a long time, but theyd not be quite as "natural" it will be fine, but for both species try to find a rock with a hole in it like I did for Davo.