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  1. forsfed50

    green star polyps

    I've had them 2 weeks or so. They were open the very first day. My phosphates were high and I wasnt aware so the brown algae sprung into action as soon as the new lights were added. The algae also got on the star polyps. The polyps then retracted so the next day I removed the algae from the...
  2. forsfed50

    green star polyps

    what was the answer to the closed polyps? water quality, water flow, lighting ? I'm having the same issue. I noticed they were getting to much flow after the koralia's were added so I moved them to a med light med flow and water quality is as good as I can get it.
  3. forsfed50

    having trouble stocking my 125

    pajama cardinals, damsels they are territorial (blues and yellow tails for sure), most kinds of gobies if not all, fridmani.
  4. forsfed50

    carribean pistol shrimp

    I've read they are reef safe and peaceful toward other tank inhabitants but I also watched a program mentioning that they use their claw to snap and stun prey. question is who could be the potential prey in the tank?
  5. forsfed50

    co-existing wrasses with shrimp

    I have heard of reef safe wrasses but which ones are invertebrate safe such as shrimp? Is the McCoster's flasher wrass shrimp safe ? others ? I'm pretty sure the six line wrass is completely safe but what is his threshold for temperature ? My new lighting rose my temp to 82 until I put a temp...
  6. forsfed50

    3 Dead Cleaner Clams

    ok the little necks didnt make it. should i try a better acclimation? i thawed them in aquarium water then placed them in quarantine. salinity too high? has anyone tried to revive completely frozen, i mean in the freezer sealed in a freezer bag, little necks ? or just the ones on ice in the tray...
  7. forsfed50

    3 Dead Cleaner Clams

    i picked up 3 little necks from the grocery store put them in saltwater from tank. after about 2 hours i watched them open and close a few times.1 never responded at all. i gently touched the soft tissue on the 2 prospects, both closed. i placed them in a quarantine tank. the next day both are...