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  1. jillian ayers


    Ok, first off, what is on your fish sounds like ich. ANY ammonia at all is lethal to fish, even if it is .25, it should be 0. Further, you added a very fragile fish WAY too early. I would take the tang out and quarantine him. I'm not certain on exactly how to rid him of ich, so let some others...
  2. jillian ayers

    Something gone wrong

    Did you see any abrasions or wounds on the dead fish? Try watching the star at night and see what it does. :notsure:
  3. jillian ayers

    Ryebread: Your freshwater tank

    My bad, for some reason I thought you said you had a knife fish and an elephant fish together. I'm just saying because putting ghost knives and elephants together messes up their "radar" or electrical impulses they use to find food and makes them vulnerable. Nice tank though! P.S. I LOVE these...
  4. jillian ayers

    Lets show off those predators!

    midwest reefer, How's the eel? I heard those things are nasty and can take a huge bite out of someone's hand. They're great to watch though!
  5. jillian ayers

    Ryebread: Your freshwater tank

    Just curious, but what type of knife do you have in your tank? I love knives and am always interested in hearing more about them. :)
  6. jillian ayers

    OT....... my freshwater tank.

    My clown knife: Do any of these match yours, sammy?
  7. jillian ayers

    OT....... my freshwater tank.

    In answer to one of the questions, depending on what kind of knife fish you have, they may be aggressive or they might be loners that need peaceful tankmates. The clown knife and the brown knife are said to be somewhat aggressive, but, if kept with tankmates that cannot fit into their mouths...
  8. jillian ayers

    WHo has the largest or most bristleworms? Let's see!!

    Bristleworms have been known to choke seahorses to death sometimes when the horse tries to suck them up and they're too big, but that's the only thing I know about bristles killing fish.
  9. jillian ayers

    OT....... my freshwater tank.

    If you could post a better picture, I could tell you what kind of knife it is. I don't think it's a ghost knife, but if it was, that would be a very bad thing to keep with an elephant fish.
  10. jillian ayers

    OT....... my freshwater tank.

    What kind of knife fish is that? I have a clown knife and a black ghost knife, and I love them. They are so beautiful!
  11. jillian ayers


    The link is not working anymore, can someone repost it again? It does sound absolutely sickening.
  12. jillian ayers

    800g......lots of pics.

    Uh, is that a floating lionfish at the top? :confused: :eek:
  13. jillian ayers

    2 new fish!

    I can't seem to find a stand that I can afford that can hold my tank. I do have it right across from the couch though so I can sit and watch my fish. :D
  14. jillian ayers

    2 new fish!

    My kitten liked the new additions :D
  15. jillian ayers

    2 new fish!

  16. jillian ayers

    2 new fish!

    My loach dissappeared one night recently... I found him two days later.... in my cat's mouth.... I think she dropped him when I screamed. But now, I got two beautiful new fish in my 75 gallon. Nothing better than buying new fish! :D
  17. jillian ayers

    Total fish wipeout

    Originally posted by beaslbob As I understand it, you added the regal with an existing naso tang in a 45 g. I think you overloaded the tank and the naso bullied the new regal. As a result the regal's immunity suffered from the stress and its death greatly added to the bioload of the system...
  18. jillian ayers

    pics of you guys!

    I like that... Little hamster in my head. I didn't think anyone knew about that... :D
  19. jillian ayers

    Hey everyone

    List your params and any other info you can give us. Thanx.
  20. jillian ayers

    Its so hard to find......

    I got it once in a bathroom stall :D