Search results

  1. dskrezyna

    blue leg vs red leg and questions regarding

    I was suggested to get 10-15 hermits for my 37g tank. Ive heard the reds are bigger than blues thus have more oxygen and last longer, thus more expensive.
  2. dskrezyna

    Has anyone seen one of these

    I ordered a regular pair of bicinctus yesterday from SWF. Cant wait to get them.
  3. dskrezyna

    Stock list for 37g

    Wondering if a Fridmani would mess with a Fire shrimp? I just ordered my first inhabitants yesterday (pair of clowns, fire shrimp and snails) and should get them on friday. the purple on the fridmani is extravagant but ive been reading some reviews about their aggresiveness (being a dottyback...
  4. dskrezyna


    My calcium and alkalinity are both low and I dosed both the other night and it brought my Alk up almost 1 dKH and my calc a little.
  5. dskrezyna

    Frozen foods.. best place to order?

    I was surprised to find a wide variety of the Hikari food at a chain pet store. I picked up cubed packages of daphnia, krill, blood worms, mysis shrimp, brine shrimp and spirulna brine shrimp but forgot the plankton. Can you return frozen foods? I accidentally bought the brine shrimp instead of...
  6. dskrezyna

    Salifert CA testing...

    Would Kent Marine salt, Red Sea Coral Pro salt, or Reef Crystals be better than IO?
  7. dskrezyna

    Stock list for 37g

    I plan on buying a pair of clowns this week but am still unsure of the other few fish to get after them. I searched through the SWF list of fish and was attracted to the following: Sixline wrasse Purple pseudochromis Neon dottyback Fridmani Royal gramma Cherub angelfish Blackcap basslet I would...
  8. dskrezyna

    Clown question

    Like guppy suggested, I'd say two and keep them the same species. I plan on buying two later this week myself.
  9. dskrezyna

    Few Questions on Mixing Clowns.

    I would keep it to 2 clowns of the same species and make sure the new one you get is not the same size as the clown in the tank. View the Percula and Ocellaris clowns in the fish section. Its fairly easy to distinguish the difference.
  10. dskrezyna

    Can anyone ID this fish

    My only guess would be a Yellow Tail Black damsel.
  11. dskrezyna

    Frozen foods.. best place to order?

    Hey all, I am looking to buy five different Hikari frozen foods (totalling ~$30) but the s/h is about $25 at the site I viewed. Anyone know of a seller that carries Hikari daphnia, blood worms, mysis shrimp, krill and plankton cubes but doesn't charge $25 to ship?
  12. dskrezyna

    Salifert CA testing...

    Originally Posted by cmaxwell39 Then it sounds like you did the calculation correctly. Do you know what your alk level is running at? You may only need to raise the calcium level and dosing both parts of a two part will raise both. Also what kind of salt are you running? If the low calcium...
  13. dskrezyna

    Salifert CA testing...

    Originally Posted by cmaxwell39 Did you have .74 ml reageant left in your syringe when the color changed to blue, or did you use .74 ml of reagant leaving .26 ml in the syringe? .74 was left in the tube after the drops.
  14. dskrezyna

    Skimmer Cup Frequency

    I have the Octopus 100-BH HOB skimmer and Ive only been pulling urine colored water. The tube taking in the water is brownish but the skimmate is dark yellow. The cup fills after about a week/week and a half. Im using the stock pump and havent modded it nor did I do the vinegar dip to break it in.
  15. dskrezyna

    Salifert CA testing...

    Im confused on step 6. I used the 1/2 measurements (i.e. 1ml instead of 2ml in step 1 and 1/2 spoon in step 2) The formula is: ppm CA = (1 - Step #6 calculation) x 500 (If one took 1ml in step 1, multiply the calc values by 2) ppm CA = (1 - .74) x 500 = 130 x 2 =260? If it is 260, then I will...
  16. dskrezyna

    stock list

    Originally Posted by lauremf2002 oceansidefish, I dont mind nori sheets. I have hair algae at the moment anyway.. Do uneaten/waste nori sheets contribute to hair algae?
  17. dskrezyna

    Stock list for 37g

    Updated wanted stock list: 2 bicinctus clownfish 1 royal gramma 1 flame angel fire or cleaner shrimp snails/crabs
  18. dskrezyna

    LR rubble in QT?

    Currently all i have in my QT is a powerhead, filter and heater, bare bottom. All vitals are good. I have LR rubble from my LR shipment and was wondering if there is any reason to use in there? Ive heard mixed reactions to using LR in a QT. Should I buy a PVC piece to place in there? (but...
  19. dskrezyna

    Salinity in QT?

    The salinity in my display tank is at 1.025 (no inhabitants) but was wondering should my QT salinity be lower than 1.025? TIA
  20. dskrezyna

    New here

    TAD, Welcome to! I lived in Portland from 2000-2002 and frequented "The Wet Spot." From what I recall they had some nice fish, both FW and SW. I am unsure of their current prices or inventory but you should check them out if you are in the area. The Wet Spot 4310 NE Hancock St Portland...