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  1. outsdr2

    A power is off alarm.

    Originally Posted by arizonakid The bane of all Aquariests.....the power goes off, you're asleep and don't have a clue what is going on. Here's an easy alarm system to put in your bedroom. At your local hardware store buy a "Direct Wired " smoke alarm. Connect to the smoke alarm a two foot...
  2. outsdr2

    I found my crab

    Originally Posted by TeresaQ accually its kinda shy. Not sure what it is so he lives in the fuge Good idea! what else do you have in the fuge? hopefully his diet is not copepods and such.
  3. outsdr2

    I dont understand

    can you post a picture? I am wondering if i have it.
  4. outsdr2

    Puffer Question

    Originally Posted by EL GUAPO Is there no rock work for him to hide in ? you decide.
  5. outsdr2

    Puffer Question

    no one has a tip on how to destress my new puffer? Thanks in advance.
  6. outsdr2

    ID please!

    Originally Posted by spanko You may be correct Ren, it sure does wave a lot though. Maybe a tunicate? outsdr2 can you take a picture before you try anything with the flow turned off in the tank? I can. but I believe it not to be a tunicate. it is a stringy blob that reacts to photosynthesis...
  7. outsdr2

    cleaner shrimp in agressive not possible? no way jose!

    its an amazing co-existance. They very well could be the snowflakes snack but he chooses to have a friend instead.
  8. outsdr2

    ID please!

    the tank is at work in my office. tomorrow I will try the turkey baster. I will let you know how it goes. J
  9. outsdr2

    ID please!

    Thanks for the help! i will follow your advice.
  10. outsdr2

    ID please!

    Is it toxic? it seems to respond to light. I also was under the impression that cyano was blue green in color.
  11. outsdr2

    ID please!

    Hi I found this strange stringy red stuff in my reef tank. I have a video of the anomally. any ideas? should I be concerned?
  12. outsdr2

    Puffer Question

    Hello I bought a spotted puffer and he has been burying himself in the sand. is it just a self protection thing or should I be concerned? below is a pic. Jack
  13. outsdr2

    Hippo And Yellow Tang!

    I own both fish. I would definatly add the hippo first. yellows are extremely aggressive in comparison.
  14. outsdr2

    Cleaner Shrimp

    I love mine. they love cleaning my trigger.
  15. outsdr2


    Hi I hope Bigun feels better soon!
  16. outsdr2


    Originally Posted by natclanwy I also have a hippo that has been in my tank for two years and have been running carbon 24/7 for the entire time. I really can't see any basis for this claim carbon does not release anything back into the water unless it is left too long then it will begin to...
  17. outsdr2


    Originally Posted by trouble93 I have had a hippo in a tank for two years and I run carbon 24/7 and never had a problem. I have a hippo also. thanks for clearing that up for me.
  18. outsdr2


    I heard carbon can cause health problems for tangs. can anyone confirm?
  19. outsdr2

    Which Tang?

    My personal favorite is the powder tang. I also love sailfin tangs. if you are upgrading in a year or two I would get what you want.
  20. outsdr2

    Tank with ich, testing No-Ich

    Originally Posted by usirchchris If the 90 is the reef tank yes...if you take all the fish out (leave it emtpy for 6 weeks) the parasite will die off as it has nothing to feed on. However, when you transfer the infected fish into the 350 you are then introducing it into that tank. Don't think...