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  1. smitty63

    Thermos Trade?

    Hey sedorusc, I have been waiting for ScubaNoah to contact me (which he hasn't) before I contacted you (since no one has heard from jbbolie). Seems that I got stuck between two no shows!
  2. smitty63

    Thermos Trade?

    Should we wait until the whole list is ful or just contact the person underneth our name?
  3. smitty63

    Thermos Trade?
  4. smitty63

    Thermos Trade?

    Sign me up! I think a thermos trade would be really cool. to maybe get some things that are hard to get or that you don;t see in certain parts of the country. I would prefer 4 frags. Are we going to send different frags or something like just Zoos or just mushrooms, ect.....?
  5. smitty63

    anemones shink is it dying

    In my experience, when anenomes start looking small and/or sickly it's because of deminishing water quality. They usually give the first signs that a water change is in order. Anenomes are very sensitive in the change of salinity(evaporated water) and in increases in phosphates and nitrates...
  6. smitty63

    150 Gallon saltwaer for trade

    You wouldn't happen to have any Liverock or Baserock for sale would you?
  7. smitty63

    Ohio: Thinking of Selling my Tank

    How much are you asking for the Liverock?
  8. smitty63

    Need to get rid of two agressive fish VERY BADLY

    I have a 210G he would be going in. Zip is 44813.
  9. smitty63

    For Sale!

    E-Mail Sent!
  10. smitty63

    Need to get rid of two agressive fish VERY BADLY

    Hey if thats a green wolf eel then I'll take it off your hands for ya. Send me your e-mail and I'll send you my mailing address.
  11. smitty63

    Trade Golf bag(stuff) for corals?????? NJ

    Do you have pictures of the Calloway Bag?
  12. smitty63

    For Sale!

    Hey I'll give ya 50.00 for it and pick it up this Sunday!