Search results

  1. flpriest

    Mexican hermit

    Here's a pic of one of my mexican hermits. Not sure how old he is, but he's been through a few shells. This "home" of his is approx. 2" long. Sorry not a great pic, but I thought I would share.
  2. flpriest

    My new 180 set-up

    Update on my tank... The wall is finished, here is the final product. New lights, a couple more power heads, and a bout of ick, here is what it looks like.
  3. flpriest

    Woodburning stove owners..

    You could also turn on the fan to your furnace so it runs continuously, cover the cold air returns in the rooms you want warmer and it'll pull warmer air out of the living room through the cold air return to redistribute the warm air throughout the house. I do this with my house in the summer...
  4. flpriest

    Steven Tyler quitting Aerosmtih?

    Originally Posted by KingSmith Is Aerosmith if relevent no offense but who cares Aerosmith=has been. They have been for a while now. let's just remember the good ol days of Aerosmith past...
  5. flpriest

    Happy birthday Grouper Genius

    Happy Birthday!
  6. flpriest

    My next project.

    You could build another mantle for your fireplace, one that the tv will appear to sit on. You could make a hidden "cable tray" in it, near the back twards the fireplace to run all of your cables to and from your tv in until they reach a wall where you can then run them either down the side of...
  7. flpriest

    Happy Birthday Meowzer!

    Happy Belated Birthday Meowzer!!! Hope you had a Great one!!
  8. flpriest

    Guess who's birthday you all missed......

    Happy be lated Birthday to both of you Ladies!! Hope you's had a great day!
  9. flpriest

    Happy Birthday SCSINet

    Happy Birthday!!! Hope it is a GREAT ONE!!
  10. flpriest

    How do you like your PB&J?

    I like chunky penut butter w/ rasberry jam on hill billy bread. The jam so thick it's like a candy coating over a thick coating of chunky peanut butter!!!
  11. flpriest

    Yea, Bush's 'War On Terror' is working great

    Originally Posted by bionicarm Did you not read what I said about the point I was making? During these debates is when I stated that yes, no attacks had been made YET. That's when all the disagreement came around that if there were terrorist cells in the US, why didn't they do something. I...
  12. flpriest

    Goona need a lot of help with this one

    Hows it going Teresa? Still hang'in in there?
  13. flpriest

    Faces to Names

    Me and my son at the AC/DC concert last month.
  14. flpriest

    Happy Birthday Flower

    Happy belated Birthday!! I hope you had a great one!
  15. flpriest

    Happy Birthday Sep!!!

    Happy Birthdat Sep!!
  16. flpriest

    Goona need a lot of help with this one

    Originally Posted by TeresaQ 6 weeks
  17. flpriest

    true or false

    False... I'm guessing it's a musical... next poster likes a good concert occationally...
  18. flpriest

    true or false

    false, but I would like a beer! next poster looks forward to the evening...