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  1. emilaya101

    Newbie trying to learn....

    IMO, yes, lighting is the most important difference from reef and fowlr, only cause it costs so much $$. If you are sure you want a reef, now is the time to decide what kind of corals you want. You could get relatively cheap power compact lighting and go with sps, the easier, and imo prettier...
  2. emilaya101

    Newbie trying to learn....

    Originally Posted by Juggernaut72 I have been keeping an fresh water tank (75G) for a while with fancy goldfish and a couple plecos. I have been interested in salt since I setup my tank but I thought I would try fresh first. The tank has 2 whisper 60 HOB filters and I just picked up a fluval...
  3. emilaya101

    Emilaya101 and HappityLogan's Frag tank !

    LMAO for real, where you at nissan ?
  4. emilaya101

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    Originally Posted by nissan577 members of !!!!!!!!!!29, 24, 14, 10, 8, 5, 3 reefers!!!!!!!!!! 1. Nissan577 (owner) 2. Spanko (sorry your under me lol) 3. Silverdark (co-owner) 4. Subielover 5. Rebelprettyboy 6. NaNo-NeWb1983 7. Coral Keeper 8. Alexknight 9. HappityLogan 10. PerfectDark 11...
  5. emilaya101

    Happity's 8g Nano

    Really ? It's in my tank.....
  6. emilaya101

    Happity's 8g Nano

    yup, that is what he was, and by the size of him, he oughta keep that little 8 pretty clean
  7. emilaya101

    coral for sale, make me an offer.

    whats left ?
  8. emilaya101

    sump device question

    Originally Posted by Keebler This may be confusing, so bear with me. It is easy to flood proof your system. The power goes out here very often for short periods of times and I have had no problems. I am using a U-tube style hob overflow and here is how they work. The pump from the sump...
  9. emilaya101

    Attaching Rics!

    +1 Good idea
  10. emilaya101

    Happity's 8g Nano

    How could anyone that works 20 hours a week in a fast food joint work harder than someone who works overtime in retail to support themselves, and do like a million other things that come with being "grownup", you may want to rethink that kid. Just because you work around toys and kids doesn't...
  11. emilaya101

    What's wrong with my tank?

    I think that feeding a whole cube of food , and pellets is way overkill. If I were you I would at least keep feeding what you feed, but do it on an every other day basis instead of everyday because that way at least you know for sure that you are cutting the feeding in half . JMO
  12. emilaya101

    Emilaya101 and HappityLogan's Frag tank !

    We went to the not-so-local lfs yesterday and got three mexican turbo snails for the frag tank, and a bunch of other stuff, too
  13. emilaya101

    Mini Amenomes!!

    If I were you I would just put the anemone in your tank, as long as the bulbs are coming tomorrow, It shouldn't matter. I don't think It would hurt it too much goung until tomorrow without that lighting. I think it may be harder on the anemone to let it acclimate to your father's tank just so...
  14. emilaya101

    Happity's 8g Nano

    they look more open since the water change, the must've loved it
  15. emilaya101

    Emilaya101 and HappityLogan's Frag tank !

    Yes, It's VERY temporary, maybe we will be able to movie it today..... It's a pretty flimsy tank, and I wouldn't want it to bend, break, crack, or come crashing down.... You think it would compensate enough if we were to just slide boards the length of the tank underneath it?
  16. emilaya101

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    Count me in One month old biocube 29....
  17. emilaya101

    Wanted to Say Thank You

    Hope to see you around soon as well, and thanks for the corals !