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  1. BanditMan15

    Need HeLp!!

    Thanks a bunch bang and yall!!
  2. BanditMan15

    Need HeLp!!

    Here's what the leathers look like now .... Do they look ok?
  3. BanditMan15

    Need HeLp!!

    Ok thanks guys I was just a little worried ... Checked waters: Ph: 8.4 Nitrite:0 Nitrate:4-4.75 Gravity: 1.025 Temp:76 Alk: 12 dkh Phosphate: 0.4 Calcium: 320 Mag: 1500 high Ammonia: 0
  4. BanditMan15

    Need HeLp!!

    Bang I put him in a little more water flow to see if it helps.... And checking all water tests now will let you know how it goes
  5. BanditMan15

    Need HeLp!!

    green leather looking terrible just transferred him into my tank last night he perched up good when in and then now looks like this:
  6. BanditMan15

    Anemone under bridged rock

    Thanks so much!!!!
  7. BanditMan15

    Anemone under bridged rock

    Just says you can use maintenance every month? Doesn't say second does how long?
  8. BanditMan15

    Anemone under bridged rock

    Lol oh ok never mind someone told me wrong.... Bad thing was at LFS lol...
  9. BanditMan15

    Anemone under bridged rock

    How long did you wait to do second dose?
  10. BanditMan15

    Anemone under bridged rock

    After first 24 hrs not much happened only looks like it's coming apart from rock a little bit... Another ? I had a chocolate chip star in my tank I didn't know at the time that it's not reef safe and it got I top of one of my cotton candy frags and looked like he sucked all purple algae clear...
  11. BanditMan15

    Anemone under bridged rock

    Found out what it is its turbo snail eggs ... And imforbis I put chemiclean in tonight let's cross our fingers!!!
  12. BanditMan15

    Anemone under bridged rock

    Nope sure don't.... Really weird a damsel had dug into corner and almost guarding it lol
  13. BanditMan15

    Anemone under bridged rock

    So it was the same you had? And how did you get rid of again? What about he hair? I guess I still just feel like I am doing something wrong here .... I know I am doing PLENTY of WC
  14. BanditMan15

    Anemone under bridged rock

    This is what I'm dealing with
  15. BanditMan15

    Anemone under bridged rock

    What are these eggs? And see the red slime algae swaying? I had lights off for 16 hrs and then just blue light and still came back this bad... I'm going ahead and going to do a 20 gal WC for a 65 is that ok? How many wc should I do to get rid of? I'm trying to take it slow but getting frustrated
  16. BanditMan15

    Anemone under bridged rock

    I bet it was gorgeous !! And I think you would miss it esp being in it that long... No TAP water I don't believe I have had tank now 4 months and past 3 have been with RO say you have a ton of macroalgae are you running sump and refugium ? I am wondering if I need to start concentrating...
  17. BanditMan15

    Anemone under bridged rock

    Red Sea kits
  18. BanditMan15

    Anemone under bridged rock

    I bet it was... Wow that's a lot of $$ huge loss I really hate to hear that... Esp since I am new to the coral game. I have had a sea hair and several turbo snails for 4 weeks. Then I purchase a CUC several blue and red legged crabs, 4 emeralds, 2 sea urch., cucumber, and bad thing is I have a...
  19. BanditMan15

    Anemone under bridged rock

    Wow I hate that... Electircuted everything? I just checked phosphate and it's at 0 but my nitrate is through the roof!! Over 5ppm I do weekly WC with RO Red Sea salt... What am I doing wrong here?
  20. BanditMan15

    Anemone under bridged rock

    Thanks flower! I have skimmer at full blast pretty much and water changes are almost 2 times a week 5 -10 gallon I have a phosphate reactor HOB but have not tried the refugium yet.... All of HOB is because I have yet to build a sump... How long you leave lights on for flower?