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  1. matti070

    Dried up mushroom?

    Its obviously not the tank or water bcause the corals are fine. Hmmm...QT for another couple days. I doubt its splitting but you could observe for mini sprouts or buds. If nothing happens for a litte less than a week, flush him. (the smile was not intended, the waving was) if he changes, then...
  2. matti070


    wow, coral and marlin. How original About 5 or 6 years ago, my brother named like 6 goldfish and they all died. My fish have no official names, but if someone asked, these are hte names. Tiger Pistol Shrimp - Magnum Yellow Watchman Goby - Dart False Percula Clown - Bobn'Weave PJ Cardinal - :sleepy:
  3. matti070

    Visijet Skimmer

    my skilter 250 is amazing. and from what I hear, its MUCH better than a VisiJet.
  4. matti070

    another one?

    another goby? doesnt sound very good. they barely get enough food as it is. the pistol hogs it all. PS. nice avatar Jimmy
  5. matti070

    feather duster explosion???

    how big are they? it could be some xenia but its doubtful. I also advise you to buy a digital camera.:thinking:
  6. matti070

    One year anniversary !

    :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: congrats. what lite is that? looks a lot like mine.
  7. matti070


    I know that it's bad luck to name a fish, but does anyone name theirs?
  8. matti070


    if you scrape coraline, its no longer visible (natrully). are you looking for the product of scraped algae or partially scraped?
  9. matti070


    Originally posted by Nas19320 Coraline is not only pink but purple, red, green also. not green.:nope: at least I've never seen it green.
  10. matti070

    - fish limit, so what inverts can be added?

    the pompom is fine. no fish or invert can stand an anemone, except a clown, which is docile. the CBS, you may want to watch, the choco chip might be a problem. they can harm things badly. a pistol shrimp could be a nice addition, only he would need a goby to be really happy.:happyfish perhaps...
  11. matti070

    Crab ID

    or wait...a sally lightfoot?:confused:
  12. matti070

    Visijet Skimmer

    :thinking: I've seen at least 10 people on this site ask a question about their 29g tank! But seriously now, No I havnt. If a visijet is a filter, I'd reccomend either a penguin or a skilter. as an alternative. if its a powerhead, it doesnt matter a bit.
  13. matti070

    Playing with fire...

    ok #1, I'm pretty sure that 2 firefish can live peacefully. And #2, damsels SUCK!
  14. matti070

    another one?

    I have 3 fish in a 20g long. The ammonia is close to 0, the ph is 8.2, no nitrates or nitrites, and no protien. A false perc, a PJ cardinal, and a yellow goby. the goby just chills in a cave with the pistol shrimp. Are these circumstances good for another inhabitant? or am i gonna wake up to...
  15. matti070


    coraline is pink algae, but doesnt get 3-D. If its on the glass, it just grows along the glass, unlike hair or slime algae. to spread the coraline you just have to get a razor scraper and scrape some or all of it off.
  16. matti070

    what size powerhead do I need?

    or you could just look at the box. it says on most products "For tanks up to X amount of gallons."
  17. matti070

    Dried up mushroom?

    hm. seems to me that he killed it or hurt it badly. how long has it been shriveled?
  18. matti070

    Crab ID

    yep. thats a fiddler.
  19. matti070

    Coral Growth

    and.........................................................................the after?
  20. matti070

    Need An Id

    a sponge? or maybe a small piece of hitchhiker frogspawn. I'd need a pic to tell.