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  1. killergoby

    nitrate and rock help.please!!!!

    Originally Posted by brolik1 hey killer what did you put in front where the water comes out of.did you cut out the bottom of the cartridge? I did. I cut the insert that holds the carbon pouch and sponge, then used marine epoxy to glue the bottom in place so the algae would not flow in to the...
  2. killergoby

    nitrate and rock help.please!!!!

    Originally Posted by brolik1 ok thanks and what about the crabs?what can I feed them? You should not have to feed the crabs and snails at all. They will pick at the excess algae and waste in the tank. The feather dusters like "dirtier" water conditions. So reducing the nitrates in your tank...
  3. killergoby

    nitrate and rock help.please!!!!

    Try to add 10 more pounds of good porous live rock to the tank. Try to add a refugium. Keep up with the weekly water changes and only feed 2 times a week.
  4. killergoby

    nitrate and rock help.please!!!!

    I no longer have that on my tank because I got this fuge instead. The algae was in there on top of 4" of Mineral Mud. This is the light that I used.
  5. killergoby

    Whats on my mushroom

    Nope. Looks like the one's pin the pic, except red. I'm getting a Target Mandarin tomorrow to help control them.
  6. killergoby

    Target Mandarin

    I have a 29 gallon which has been up for 6 months, 50lbs of LR and CPR's HOB fuge which has been up and running for a week. The fuge has 2" of Mineral Mud and Cheateo in it. What are the chances of a Mandarin surviving? My tank is loaded w/ red flatworms and some pods (I've had more in the past...
  7. killergoby

    what eats copepods besides a mandarin

    Originally Posted by gfk i hve those white spots all over my glass, those are copods? If they move, yep!
  8. killergoby

    FOTM - Mandarinfish

    Originally Posted by sommergurl Ihave been using the water that they sell me at the LFS to top off the tank. I assume it's RO water but then you know what they say about when youa ssume. lol I noticed the algae took off, I mean grew like crazy when I started using the Core Vital. I have also...
  9. killergoby

    Whats on my mushroom

    Originally Posted by smarls Killer, I don;t know if it just the pictiure, but those red bits in your picture don't look like flatworms to me...looks more like the start of some form of red calcerous algae to me Might just be the picture though, but you may want to double check. Stewart My...
  10. killergoby

    skimmers are a black mark on the hobby!

    Originally Posted by Murph I will get you guys the info as soon as I revisit the LFS. The card like much of everything else in my condo has been misplaced. Should be soon the LFS is right around the corner of my house. He only makes them for tanks up to 120. Its a relatively simple design...
  11. killergoby

    PH Level

    After you test it, and your alk and calcium is low, B-Ionic works well to bring up each proportionality (sp).
  12. killergoby


    Thank you both.
  13. killergoby

    Water flow question

    Are you sure he didn't just molt? Sorry for hijacking the thread. I just wanted to show you what you can do w/ low to moderate flow. Your Kenya Tree looks great!
  14. killergoby

    I think my mandarin is depressed

    Be paitent, keep trying to target feed it...
  15. killergoby

    Water flow question

    Thanks man. Here's one more:
  16. killergoby

    Post your "fish resume"

    Originally Posted by Mr.P I'm a newbie =) but I don't try and act like an expert. If giving or trying to give advice to someone makes me sound like an expert then so what. I'm a newbie but I know saltwater fish will be in my life for the rest of my life. Even if I don't have a tank I know I...
  17. killergoby

    nitrate and rock help.please!!!!

    Like this? It's "do-able". I'm still trying to access the link that I use to make it. Hang tight...
  18. killergoby


  19. killergoby

    Whats on my mushroom

    Becareful killing all of the flatworms in your tank w/ Flatworm Exit. They become toxic when killed and can wipe out your corals. They are really not that harmful. I've had a tank full of them for months now. On Friday I'm going to pick up my Target Mandrin to get them the natural way, by the...