Search results

  1. kender

    Pricing for tank & supplies TX

    Where about in TX are you. I am in Oklahoma and I am really looking for some lr. Might be interested in some more stuff too. I am starting out my very first 55g tank... Let me know! :-)
  2. kender

    WTB: LR for 55g tank

    Just starting my first tank and looking for around 50lbs of lr for it. Live in Oklahoma City 73118. Dont really know much beyond the fact of I want some so as far as types and all that go I am clueless. Just let me know if you have any and what you want for it. Thanks!
  3. kender

    I think i have to get out in orlando

    I am just starting up my 55g tank. I live in oklahoma and have been having a lot of issues keeping the temp below 80 in my tank. I am really interested in your chiller if you choose to maybe part with it. Just let me know how much your asking for it.
  4. kender

    40g Oceanic FlatHex 4Sale, NJ

    Would you consider shipping?
  5. kender

    WTB Saltwater Tank and Equipment

    I live in Oklahoma City and would be willing to travel up to 250 miles to pick-up. I dont have any equipment at all so I am looking for someone who is just wanting to get rid of their setup. I dont want to large of a setup since this is really my first real venture into having a saltwater tank...