Search results

  1. jerseyguy

    Powerhead location

    so, i've searched and found some good info, but i was looking for my specific needs and any help you can give me. First the equipment, Fluval 404 ~400gph, Aguaclear 400gph, Maxijet 1200 295gph and a Seio 820gph Aqua remora C skimmer. Tank is a 72g bowfront. Now i have the fliter on the left...
  2. jerseyguy

    Good Light?

    Sorry, but could you please give an explanation of SPS and LPS coral and maybe some examples of each. I'm pretty much gearing the tank up to have around 2000gph flow rate, that includes the filter though. Id rather start out with more "user-friendly" corals
  3. jerseyguy

    Good Light?

    Im sorry if i sound naive, but in your previous post you said to get 2x65 and 400W MHs, the equipment you are seeking seems different. If i could pick up the proper lighting for $400 I would do it, I do like the idea of the lunar lights however.
  4. jerseyguy

    Good Light?

    wow, thank you for the speedy reply. i would love to get some MH, but i cant see shelling out the money at the I wouldnt be able to hang them. I will be happy with some simple corals for the time being.
  5. jerseyguy

    Good Light?

    Have a 72 Gallon Bowfront, Is the Coralife Lunar Aquatic 4x65 a good light? I can pick one up for about $212, unless anyone knows a cheaper source, or comparable light. Anyways, is this a good light for low to med level corals. I believe its not much good for anemones, any help would be...
  6. jerseyguy

    Upgrading from 29G to 72 bowfront

    Any ideas on powerheads? i have a Maxi-jet 1200 and some aquaclear arpund 300gph or so, who knows it will prob end up in the garbage eventually. the fluval 404 has a gph rate of something like 374. I will be adding "beginners coral" when I get my light. Would it be smart to position a...
  7. jerseyguy

    Upgrading from 29G to 72 bowfront

    Thank you both so much. I hope to have pictures as soon as the water will allow. In my previous 29G all I really had were damsels. They were my starter fish and I never had the heart to take them out of the tank. I was with them from the start lol. I almost shut the tank down due to excess...
  8. jerseyguy

    Upgrading from 29G to 72 bowfront

    Well, I have read through many posts and you all are so nice and helpful to each other, so I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Well, as the tittle says I am upgrading and I am very excited. I have read many posts and done some research elsewhere as well. I'd first start by saying I need...