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  1. attml

    Good Saturday mornin'...

    And that certainly looks like a big sun from the Sunshine State which is where I am from! How big around is that guy? Beth, It is a little bit bigger than the top of a coke can. Maybe 3" across?
  2. attml

    Good Saturday mornin'...

    It is Sunday morning now though and the sun is begining to rise!
  3. attml

    Good Saturday mornin'...

    NM & Beth, Very nice shots!
  4. attml

    mh question

    Yes, that should be fine. :) Your tank may look a little shaded where the 20K is. If I had the choice I would either do all 10Ks w/vho supplementation or possibly consider all 20ks 400w?
  5. attml

    What's a t-5 balast

    T-5 is a lighting style that I belive originated in europe. It is basically a somewhat stronger form of Power Compact Flourescent lighting. The ballast is the mechanical part that pulls a pool of energy from you wall socket and then fires the bulbs up.
  6. attml

    Updated pictures

    Looking good Mark!!! I love the in wall setup!!! Is that a 120 AGA reefready? Is this all part of the setup that you have been working on for a while or is this a new system? I felt like the tank you had posted a while back wasn't an in-wall setup? Very nice!!!! Take care! Mark
  7. attml

    first ever top down shots

    jauringer, Everything looks great!! I love the Pulchra! Very nice!!! :)
  8. attml

    Need some idz...plzzz

    That definitely isn't a condy base. I am not sure what it is? Possibly something related to or like a Sagartiogeton undatus ?
  9. attml

    Do dwarf angels eat coral?

    It all depends on the individual fish. Most dwarf angels are listed as "with caution" in a reef tank. I had a Pygmy Cherub Anget that was a perfect citizen in my tank but I have heard others say that theirs were a nightmare in their tank!
  10. attml

    Need some idz...plzzz

    #1 looks like it may possibly Cladocora Cespitosa? Your anemone looks like a Condylactus? Fish #1 looks like a Juvenile Spotfin Butterfly
  11. attml

    Hydnophora Attacks!

    Whew, I was getting worried there for a moment:nervous:
  12. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    RarPack, Thank you!!
  13. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    Rik,& small time, Thank you very much!
  14. attml

    2 sps id's

    First one looks like it is probably going to be a Blue Stag (Acropora sp?) and I am going to guess Montipora Digitata on number 2 though it is also very close to a birdsnest as shoreliner said but it's hard to tell with it's current coloring. Definitely one or the other.
  15. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    Tanksalot , Thank you very much!!! :) I appreciate the positive feedback!!! You've got to love a hobby where you can superglue live animals to dead rocks!
  16. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    Tanksalot, Thank you! I am running 2 - 250w 10K Ushios and 2 - 110w VHO URI Super Actenics. All of this stuff had been in my frag tank unger 250w 10K DE HQI Ushio's while my 120 was maturing with no actenics.
  17. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    NM, Cool make sure you post some pictures!!! aarone, MH will makea big difference! When you get them setup have your sunglasses ready. rbmount, Thank you - You don't have to worry when it comes to pictures - I love to take them!
  18. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    Hey Kip, Thank you - I was thinking the same thing about #7. I have seen a few that turn completely the color of the tips that are incredible. My LFS rarely has frags but for some reason they had this one day and not knowing what it was going to turn out to be I took a chance. It almost had a...
  19. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    fishman9, Thank you very much!!! Graham, Thank you very much!!! It is 3:45 am here on the east coast and I just now finished the plumbing to tie the 120 in with my main sump. I can finally crank the CA Reactor back up and then these corals will hopefully really color up! Take care!! mark
  20. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    Kelly & escape2thewater, Thank you both very much!!!:)