Search results

  1. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    Tri-color Acro
  2. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    Acropora sp?
  3. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    Montipora Sp?
  4. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    Pink Acropora Millipora
  5. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    Acropora Horrida
  6. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    Green Stag Acro
  7. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    Acropora sp?
  8. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    Blue Polyp Pink Cat's Paw
  9. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    Acropora sp?
  10. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    Acropora sp?
  11. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    Acropora sp?
  12. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    Acropora Tortuosa (ORA CA)
  13. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    Acropora sp?
  14. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    Blue/green Bottlebrush Acro
  15. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    Montipora Confusa
  16. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    Acropora Yongei (foreground) Purple Montipora digitata (background)
  17. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    Acropora sp?
  18. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

  19. attml

    3+ Six Packs of macro shots

    Here are a some macro shots of my 120 sps tank. Happy reefing!!!:) Full tank shot
  20. attml

    Identify Green Things - Please

    A little tough to tell from the pictures but possibly a Keyhole Limpet? Does it look like this? If so exercise caution they occasionally snack on corals!