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  1. codylowe


    Hah the one on the top right looks like a cheesy smile or the Nike symbol - "Just do it"
  2. codylowe


    I got a couple better pics. From what i've found they may be 'monster lips'... ?
  3. codylowe

    Full tank shots

    Originally Posted by corbeaner what are the dimensions of the tank? 48" x 18" x 30"
  4. codylowe

    Full tank shots

    Originally Posted by wifishman1 what size tank/ kind of light-specs. nice tank. Thanks, The tank is a 110 high. The lighting is Odyssea 2X250 MH + 4 65w Actinics - I replaced the ballasts with coralvue and changes the bulbs to 14k Hamiltons.
  5. codylowe


    Anyone? The polyps have more of a greenish-brown hue rather than red, but they do have the traditional people eater neon green mouth. I will try to take more pics later today
  6. codylowe

    Full tank shots

    Originally Posted by kclester Hey what is the green thing in the bottom right corner ? Those are Green Star Polyps (GSP). I had to isolate them on the sand cause they are growing so fast.
  7. codylowe

    Full tank shots

    Originally Posted by coralreefer nice lighting! i hope you plan on keeping some clams and sps in the future Hah, i actually had 2 clams a few weeks ago... I let my g/f watch the tank while i was gone on vacation for 2 weeks, came back and both were dead! I still don't know exactly what...
  8. codylowe

    Full tank shots

    Here's a couple of new pics... It's still light on corals, but i'm workin on it.
  9. codylowe


    Are these the Red People Eaters (RPE)?
  10. codylowe

    Live Rock for an AWESOME PRICE!!!

    Originally Posted by AquariumRookie Depending on where you live, it should be $2.75 shipped. Let him know you talked to me, he should be alright with that. 2.75 a lb shipping included? Not that bad of a deal
  11. codylowe

    Live Rock for an AWESOME PRICE!!!

    How much did he charge you to ship? I am thinking about getting 50lbs from him...
  12. codylowe

    New Light, Rock, and Aquascape

    Originally Posted by grubsnaek not trying to be harsh but u said be honest. yes tank water level is low, so fill up. the lighting in not strong enough for the condy anemone, so the BTA will die rather quickly. usually only halides are recommended with anemones. you will eventually have a...
  13. codylowe

    Odyssea Light Question

    Originally Posted by 05xrunner i had the 48" 760w light and it was just fine. the ballast dont push the true 250w so the bulbs if they are 10k look yellow and kinda dim. I replaced my ballast with coralvue ones and switched to 14k bulb and was great. way way cheaper then any other brand of same...
  14. codylowe

    WTB Overflow boxes and mag 7 pump

    I have a 600gph overflow i will take $25+ shipping
  15. codylowe

    How do I stop the Flushing noise on my OVerflow?

    Search for a "durso standpipe" it will cut almost all the noise out and it's pretty simple to make
  16. codylowe

    Lots O Pics of my system

    Thanks all for the nice replies. The pics are a little outdated and everything has grown alot since then, but I haven't added anything new in a while. Originally Posted by cichlidKid do you have silica sand? It is "Fiji white sand" off the big bay. I think i like it better than most others...
  17. codylowe

    Lots O Pics of my system
