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  1. clown-lover

    3rd try

    thanks everyone for the imput....i will try another kind of seaweed sheet....right now, i have Seaweed Selects....i'll get Nori and try that. it still doesn't go for brine....i see that it wants to is always picking at the rocks but i'm afraid that that isn't enough to make him...
  2. clown-lover

    3rd try

    you know, tha'ts what i thought i might have done wrong. i let float for about ten minutes (just while i preped to accumilate him) then i dripped for about thirty minutes in the bag, emtying out water here and there as the bag overflowed. then i put him in a bucket and let it drip until the...
  3. clown-lover

    3rd try

    well, thank you for your help....everyone i thought that yt's could be happy in a 55 gallon....esspecially being that he would be the only fish in there except for a small clown....guess not after him....if this one doesn't make it....i'm not going to try to keep another tang....i really hate...
  4. clown-lover

    3rd try

    i just don't get it....he's the second one that i've had that has looked like that. i just tried feeding him brine/squid and nothing
  5. clown-lover

    3rd try

    it wasn't even interested in the flake food.....passed right by it and didn't want any....:nope:
  6. clown-lover

    3rd try

  7. clown-lover

    3rd try

  8. clown-lover

    3rd try

    here are the best shots i could get
  9. clown-lover

    Ultrasonic Algae Removers

  10. clown-lover

    3rd try

    i got this from a this true? Could this be my problem The stomach area of Yellow tangs often appear to be pinched. This means they haven't gotten enough to eat lately. A lot of them look this way when they arrive at the retailer. Be more concerned with the area above and behind the...
  11. clown-lover

    3rd try

    i swear to you that i am not seeing things. he didn't have it yesterday at the fish store....nor when i put him in the tank....nor the rest of the night he did however have it today i have not tried flake food yet....thank you, i will try that next
  12. clown-lover

    3rd try

    ok, this is my third time that i'm trying to keep a Yellow Tang in my 55 gallon aquarium. the first time, i got a yt, i blame it's death on my lack of knowledge. I didn't know then that they need algea and things to graze on. after my tank matured over time, i tried another yt. this time, the...
  13. clown-lover

    New Skimmer....comments

    i've looked at those too....but this one, i found for a great price....i just wonder if it works good for the price thanks
  14. clown-lover

    New Skimmer....comments

    I'm in the market for a new skimmer. The one i have is going out on just doesn't work like it used to. i need something slim and it needs to be hang on. i found this one and i want to know what everyone thinks before i dive in a buy it JB180 External Hang on Aquarium/ Reef Protein...
  15. clown-lover

    Ultrasonic Algae Removers

    what does everyone think about this for removing hair algea??? ULTRASONIC ALGAE REMOVERS Algae are found throughout the world and can cause nuisance problems in water treatment plants, drinking water supplies, receiving water ponds, lakes, swimming pools and cooling towers. They use not...
  16. clown-lover

    Christmas Gifts

    I finally got an RO/DI unit!!!!! gotta love parents!!!! no more going to the fish store every other week for 40 gallons of 1 gallon jugs!!!!! what a pain..... now...just to put it together:thinking:
  17. clown-lover


    oh i know...i just meant that the thread was crazy!!!! yup, i read it....and i can see why it's a soar Keep Smiling:D
  18. clown-lover


    wow....pretty sarcastic post!!! i'm asking because i've got an algea problem in my FW 55 tank. I'm almost certain that it's the tap water, but i won't be albe to do anything about that till after the new year. we're having new year's here and i just thought that it might help for a few days...
  19. clown-lover


    has anyone used this stuff (Algone)??? just wondering if it does what it says?!?!?
  20. clown-lover

    Who's got frogspawn??

    i think it's the same for torch, frogspawn, and hammers.....they are all from the same family