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  1. smoney

    YWG and Yasha Hase Goby in same 50 gallon?

    I have a yellow watchman goby in my 50 gallon tank and a 10 gallon refuge. Would it be ok to add a Yasha Hase goby? would they fight?
  2. smoney

    3 Clowns in One Tank?

    How is it possible for 3 clowfish to be together in the same 50 gallon tank? My friend has a giant true perc, and then two smaller percs? anyone?
  3. smoney

    SPS coral?

    Nice tank Murph! Yeah I am going to wait until I get like a carbon system thingy and have a wavemaster and many other things to improve water conditions.
  4. smoney

    SPS coral?

    Yeah, I was just curious about these. I think with SPS you would have to have a tank just for SPS. They look really cool and plus they are expensive.
  5. smoney

    SPS coral?

    So..... Basically they are for experts? Any other input?
  6. smoney

    Orange Starfish? (Ophuira Help!)

    Well, my friend wants to give me an orange starfish that he has because he is breaking down his tank. I forgot what they require again. All I know is that it is an Orange Starfish, not sure if it is a linka or not. I now have a refuge on my tank, and What is it really that Starfish generally...
  7. smoney

    SPS coral?

    Well, I am starting to get into corals, and I came across so many SPS corals like Acropora Coral, Montipora Coral, Horn Coral, Cup coral, Leaf Plate, and Wrinkle Leptoseris Coral. I was wondering what they generally require as far as light and other things? Are they hard to take care of? Do they...
  8. smoney

    Making a Refugium

    1) You could put LS from your DT into your refuge. I believe that you are using the saltmix stuff. If so, I would just pre mix it in buckects then add it to the refuge. And Yes your process is correct. 2) I dont know what type of lighting mangroves need? But I have Chaeto and Caulpera, and I...
  9. smoney

    Making a Refugium

    1)Well, I used catalina salt water and I just put it in the refuge. You fill up the refuge with like two inches to spare on top. I know it will look like a lot, but trust me. This is will the overflow box I am assuming that you have the hangon one. Then, you turn on the pump and it should work...
  10. smoney

    Making a Refugium

    I have live sand, and I would use live sand if I were you. I don't know what other people have, but livesand should do just fine. The red mangroves and chaeto sound good to me. As for the little clean up crew, I think that is fine. In my refuge I have caulpera and chaeto for my macroalgae, and I...
  11. smoney

    Making a Refugium

    Hey Brolik1, Ok, I had that same question when I first started. But if you think about it, it makes sence. The pump will pump water into the display tank, and the overflow box can only drop as much water in the refuge as their is in the display tank. The rating of how much the overflow can take...
  12. smoney

    Making a Refugium

    Sounds like a plan to me!
  13. smoney

    Setting Up 90 Gallon Reef Need Advice

    I'm Sorry, but did you copy my name. I'm SMoney, hmmmm.... Tushae.....
  14. smoney

    Making a Refugium

    Although Most wont agree, Everyone knows in their heart that the point of forums are to brag about their tank :hilarious
  15. smoney

    Making a Refugium

    1) Yes, The first baffle is 8" and is off the glass floor about an 1.5" 2) I didnt use glue. I used this caulk called Marine Adhesive Sealant 5200, used especially for aquariums. I wouldn't recommend normal glue. 3) I went to the Home Depot and got acrylic peices that were 8" x 10" and I had to...
  16. smoney

    Making a Refugium

    For the intake, I used the tube that came with the overflow box. For the return line, I used the clear tubing, that way it was easy to put the closevalve in the middle. I will try to put pics up on thanksgiving, but right now I am off to work.
  17. smoney

    Making a Refugium

    Hello! You should get the 1300 model pump. I belive that is the one that I have on my tank. I don't think that I would use black vinyl tubing. I'm not sure, but you have to check if that is ok for your tank. I remember when my friend tried to use black vinyl tubing, he killed his whole tank...
  18. smoney

    Brisstle Worms in Refuge

    Oh then it is probably pods, I see like tons of pods in the refuge.
  19. smoney

    Brisstle Worms in Refuge

    I have big brisstles in the main tank, but i got my refuge stuff from another person. And in there their are a bunch of small ones. I thought they eat algae because some of the caulpera looks like it has holes in it, as if something was eating it?
  20. smoney

    Brisstle Worms in Refuge

    I have like probably a hundred brisstle worms in my refuge. Are they good things to have in a refuge? I think, but I am not sure, I think they eat the caulpera. Do Brisstles eat macro algae?